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"Why are your claws black Nsheios?" Eclipse asked curiously and Nsheios turned "huh?" Eclipse pointed at his black claws and Nsheios jumped a little bit before grunting "they do that sometimes" Eclipse was silent before he heard a knock at his door, it was soft and delicate, almost nervous.

Fate looked over and she said "looks like we have a visitor, about time" Eclipse walked over to the front door and opened it a crack, he looked down at a small robot, it's ears perked at him and it said softly "hi... you send that um... message?" Eclipse realized what was happening and he nodded "yes yes! Come in come in!" he led them in, voice soft. 

They walked in nervously and Solar turned over and said "first robot eh?" Eclipse nodded and sighed before asking "what's you name?" the robot looked to the side before saying softly "erm... Nexo" Eclipse nodded "welcome Nexo, we got a bedroom for you to get settled into" he smiled softly and they looked at him nervously.

"Do you know what happened?" Nexo asked softly and Eclipse sighed "yes... but it will be confusing for sure and sore spot for one of my family members here... you need anything or do you want me to show you your room where you can process?" they were silent before saying softly "room..." Eclipse nodded and he gently led the small robot to one of the many rooms of the house.

They were small, fluffy. They looked like a small biped rabbit animatronic, they looked exhausted, Eclipse asked worried "you have solar panels?" they looked over before nodding and Eclipse sighed softly "good good" he opened the door and they hopped in and nervously sniffed the air.

"It's okay if you don't trust this place just yet, it's a big change I'm sure" he said as they turned back to him "and it's normal to not trust strangers, especially when they send a message suddenly and out of nowhere, just know, your safe here, may I ask you a question?" Nexo's nose twitched and they said softly and nervously "sure..." Eclipse sighed "why were you built?" Nexo was silent.

Then they said in a soft tone "I was built by the military and I was given the name N3X0 by them, I specialize in sniffing out dangerous chemicals, drugs, mines, humans that don't belong in the territory, ect ect. I am equipped with claws in case I have to fight, along with sharp teeth and a strong jaw." Eclipse watched them continuously sniff the air and around the place curiously. 

"I have many of my kind" they said "however, they were all scraped, I was about to be scraped when suddenly... the air went still. Now the air reeks of death and a overabundance of dangerous chemicals, likely from cars exploding from the the sudden changes in temperature and the local nuclear plant nearby exploded as well" Eclipse stiffened in alarm "now that, I didn't know" Nexo sighed softly.

"Nice place you have have..." Eclipse nodded "thank you..." Nexo turned before saying "as nice as a island is, I recommend moving into the city, I know I just came along and I shouldn't be bossing you around, but... ya know, this won't be enough space very soon" Eclipse could see the skittish yet serious nature of the robot.

It peeked his interest quite a bit, he nodded "I'm aware of that fact, however, this house will do for now, once things get out of hand, we'll probably move to an apartment building or something" his rays perked and the Nexo kept sniffing around before settling in. 

"I am free from the military" they said "however, I am curious on how everything died, a robot only world, imagine that" the robot seems to have calmed down a little bit and the kids ran in, "oooh bunny!" Sun yelled and Eclipse stiffened and pulled them away from the robot "no," he said, he didn't trust them around this robot.

He just met them after all, they looked Nexo and Nexo tilted their head curiously "these yours? Good for you" they settled down on the bed, curling up on it, their beautifully made outer shell sliding into place smoothly. 

Eclipse sighed "I'll you to settle in," Nexo nodded and waved as Eclipse left the room, closing the door softly behind him. He walked into the living room and Computer asked "who were they?" Eclipse sighed holding the kids as they struggled to escape "bunny!" Sun whined and BloodMoon said "can we see the bunny? I wanna hold it!" Moon was silent, he already gave up. Eclipse sighed "no bunny, we don't know if their mean" he looked up at Computer and said "quite interesting! They have military origin's, their name is Nexo" Computer looks surprised before nodding "that is interesting." 

Eclipse sat down next to Lord Eclipse and he looked up at him before snuggling and going back sleep and going back to purring. Eclipse wasn't sure if Lord Eclipse knew about Nexo just yet, but he'll let Lord Eclipse sleep for now.

He could only hope Nexo was nice and not mean in any way, I mean, sure, they seemed nice. Serious, sure, but nice. He just didn't quite trust them just yet, especially around the kiddos.

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