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"Okay..." Eclipse said "I feel bad for you here, uhhh..." he had no idea what to do in this situation, but then Fate appeared looking confused at Nsheios existence before saying in pure confusion "who in the-?" Nsheios turned over to Fate and stared.

Fate stared back and Eclipse felt the awkwardness growing, Fate looked Nsheios up and down before saying warily "you seem.. powerful, did you just spawn...?" they asked confused by Nsheios existence and Nsheios kicked a rock awkwardly "erm, no" Fate just stared at him like he was the most strange anomaly they'd seen. 

Eclipse was feeling the awkwardness and Fate asked "erm, you seem... powerful?" Nsheios looked to the side avoiding eye contact, "well, erm, you see-" Fate grunted "why are you so tall?! You're like 13'2!" Eclipse realized the massive size then, he hadn't noticed before because Nsheios had always been flying around or teleporting all over the place and he'd been too irritated to care.

Nsheios shrugged awkwardly "dunno I guess" Fate looked up at him before saying in a shallow confused voice "if you didn't just spawn... how did I not sense you before...?" Nsheios sighed "hid myself I guess" Fate whole body language was tense. Eclipse could tell he didn't at all like or trust Nsheios's presence, "so... Nsheios, do you know Lunar?" Fate asked suspiciously, glaring.

Nsheios looked a little surprised and alarmed by his sudden aggressive behavior and Eclipse said "Fate, lets not-" Nsheios said "a Lunar... Fate, which Lunar...? I'm confused here! There's more than one Lunar!" he looked confused, if not alarmed by Fate's behavior. 

Nsheios passed Eclipse a questioning look, he clearly had no idea of the chaos that's been happening to the multiverse and what he's woken up to, and Eclipse sighed "Fate, he said he's been asleep for six trillion year-" Fate gave Nsheios a distrustful glare "I would have sensed him. What's Lunar doing?! Making gods to work for him now?! Because I would have sensed you if you've existed for six trillion years!" he jabbed a finger at Nsheios harshly making Nsheios flinch.

Nsheios looked confused, understandably, before leaning to Eclipse and whispering "erm, which Lunar?" he asked and Fate glared and Eclipse whispered back "this dimensional Lunar, insane fellow, don't ask why Fate's terrified of him" Nsheios frowned "why?" Eclipse said distracted then "wait, I just realized you have wings, that's cool!" Fate glared at the little interaction. 

He clearly did not at all trust Nsheios, Nsheios said "okay... Fate, I understand your distrust... sorta, your behaviors adnormal, though it's been six trillion years- so uh-" poor thing seemed genuinely shaken by that, "listen, I hid myself from you because it simply wasn't my work to get involved with you, I protected the Chaos... and now it's gone...." his voice trailed off in sadness and Fate went silent.

He said then "how do I know you're not lying."  Nsheios grunted "can't you see the future? I know you can do that easy peasy" Fate went silent and Eclipse gave him a pitiful look before Fate grunted grumpily "horrible things have been happening young one, horrible horrible things. My future seeing powers are... I can't even access them" Nsheios had a look of alarm on his face. 

"What?! Wait I just realized I can't sense the other-" Nsheios shrieked and Eclipse covered his mouth and chuckled nervously "haha- just uh-" Fate went silent and Nsheios pushed him away looking confused.

"Okay, what's going on? You're making me nervous" he fidgeted with his wing nervously and Eclipse went silent before saying "there's a multiverse effected scenario right now" Fate was silent and Eclipse said "Fate snap out of it-" he snapped his fingers in Fate's face and he flinched back with a yelp "huh what?!" Eclipse gave him a concerned look and Fate simply said "oh, hi" Nsheios gave Fate a concerned and confused look before asking "did they zone off-?" Eclipse said "Fate, how about you go inside-" Fate gave Nsheios a glare before saying "hmm... nah" Eclipse sighed.

He could tell that Fate didn't want him alone with Nsheios for some reason, he did not at all trust him in any way. "Fate, I'll be fine-" Eclipse said and Fate glared at Nsheios like he were a danger, which he didn't seem to be, at all, and just kept glaring.

Nsheios had a face that said he was starting to wonder if he was safe around Fate and Eclipse said "Fate, stop" he said "I understand you don't trust him, but he doesn't seem to be a danger," Fate said "I just don't understand where he's come from! I wouldn't be surprised if Lunar starts creating gods to work with him, like come on- he's already- he's-" Eclipse was silently before hugging Fate "shh, it's okay..." Fate definitely needed a hug.

Nsheios had a confused look before saying "uhhh... I don't really know what's happening, but I think Fate's plotting murder and they're scaring me" Eclipse sighed "they're a little... standoffish" Nsheios said a little loudly "standoffish?! They seem to want to kill me for existing! They just don't trust me!" Fate said "I don't want to kill you, but I don't trust you, congrats, you have braincells!" Nsheios stared in offence and Eclipse flicked Fate. 

"Stop" he said and Fate hissed in irritation at the flick.


"Solar are you trying to fix a functioning sprinkler...?" he asked in worry and Solar said slowly and not at all convincingly "no...?"

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