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He sighed softly as he took a walk down a hiking path, he needed to clear his head and he needed to escape Nsheios constant questions. For some reason, Nsheios has a particular liking for him. Fate however, just wanted to be left alone. He walked down the dirt trail, his feet making soft taping sounds.

He kicked a rock into a nearby bush, then heard a soft thump. He turned in surprise, he looked at the bush curiously before walking over and pushing the bush aside. He shrieked in terror as he saw the broken robot looking at him with a dull eye, he hid behind a tree quickly. 

He hid for about five minutes before looking and realizing it wasn't the Lunar that hurt his family, he looked at its state, poor thing was mangled. It's head looked up at him with an eerie creak and Fate flinched back. Fate looked at it nervously from behind the tree, but he also quickly realized it couldn't hurt him.

It could hardly move, and it looked like it was in some kind of shock. Fate swallowed down his fear, come on Fate, your creation, this thing is mortal, come on it can't hurt you-  Fate crept over to it slowly, he grabbed a stick and poked it. It didn't even flinch, just stared at him.             

Fate poked it again before saying in a shaky voice "hi...?" the Lunar looked at him silently and Fate poked it again and it let out a loud creak. Fate looked at its burnt and torn clothing, a large chunk of it's right face was gone, revealing sparking wiring. Fate knew its entire body was probably in a lot of pain.                                                                                                       

Fate stared at it in concern, he knew the Lunar's in the stupid group were all manipulated. He also knew this one probably had no part in his families demise, he swallowed down a lump in his throat and slowly he reached over gently, before pausing.

But what if it does somehow hurt me?

I don't want to be hurt again-

No no no, stop it Fate, it's mortal-

But so was Lunar...

His hand started to shake slightly as he looked at the Lunar, he saw it was also trembling slightly. He had no idea what to do in this situation, this is really not how he planned his little nature walk to go. "Hey... uh, you good...?" he asked softly and awkwardly but it just put its face in the dirt, and just laid there.

Fate was really starting to feel bad, and despite his suspicions, he was also wondering if it was a victim of Lunar. "Hey... uh, Lunar do this...?" he asked and it muttered softly "The Great One wouldn't-" Fate was very quick to recognize denial and he sighed softly and took out the phone Eclipse gave him. One that could reach across dimensions, which was useful because he did a lot of dimensional walks. 

He dialed in Eclipse's number, then remembered Eclipse was doing something and really didn't want to interrupt, and knowing KC was the only one home aside from Nsheios he decided to do KC instead. 

"Hi Fate, what's up?" KC asked and Fate said "uhm... just found something erm..." KC grunted "what'd you find?" Fate sighed "found a broken Lunar, I think Lunar did something to it and it seems to be in shock so uh..." KC was silent before saying "bring it to the house" Fate was instantly weary "I dunno-" KC sighed "I hear it's creaking from here Fate, grab it and teleport it home" Fate said then "I dunno- I don't wanna touch it-" KC said "Fate come on, just give it a tiny poke and teleport it, I dunno how that teleportation stuff works!" Fate stared at the Lunar in distrust. 

He slowly reached over with a shaky hand, gave a gentle poke and instantly flinched away expecting it to attack despite knowing better. When it didn't react, Fate slowly reached over again. He really felt his anxiety hitting him, hard. 

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