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There's always a void
Sometimes the void is from death
Others It's from depression
Another it could be from being different
But there's a void where my soul should be
There's always a void

The void is full of darkness
I'm always trying to fill it with some light
Even if it's just for a brief moment
Warm the coldness of the void
With some music doesn't last long
But better than staring endless at the void
There's always a void

The void goes away when I'm with friends
Even if we're doing two separate things
It's nice to just be around someone else
And not be stuck in the cacophony of my
Adhd ridden brain always wondering when
Will the thoughts finally cease giving
Me the peace I so desperately crave in the void
But music is the only silencer of the cacophony
There's always a void

The void reminds me what was drilled in me
The words that I accepted as the truth
When they're the farthest thing from truth
But when something is repeated daily
You accept them as they are in my case
The demons I carry from a hell I want
To forget and run from just for the
Void to remind me what is the "truth"
There's always a void

The void in my memory makes it
Impossible to remember my childhood
Is that good or bad that's the question
I ask myself daily answer is always
The same It's good and bad but
Ah well c'est la vie you know
There's always a void

The void can never be filled so it seem
Just like my will to live it'll be incomplete
Always wondering why do I listen to the void
It's nothing but horrors that I can remember
Things my brain didn't turn to ash despite
How much I wish it did
Would be easier to move on from the horrors
There's always a void

But all we can do when dealt a bad hand
You can either wait for the straight
Or you can always reshuffle the deck
Stack it in your favor and not the voids
There's nothing wrong with a quick reshuffle
Sometimes it's the best course of action
Instead of blindly hoping for a winning hand
There's always a void

words from a broken soulWhere stories live. Discover now