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There's always shadows
It goes without saying shadows exist
Because of light existing
I've always stuck to shadows
Their more comfortable to me
But the light it's blinding me
There's always shadows

You can only live in one's shadows
Before you get sick of it
Force yourself into the light
And cast your own shadows
But I'm not sure how I'll do that
The shadows are a constant in my life
The light is more of an unknown
There's always shadows

The shadows are all I've know
I'm just an imprint of various people
I don't know who I truly am
But the shadows stick around
Thing is I want to know who I am
Besides the horrors of a past
That's best forgotten and ran from
There's always shadows

I was once a joyful child I think
I'm not sure most memories are ash
But then I was traumatized from abuse
Then the only two people I saw as my father's
The were ripped away from the world
One died of a heart attack and well
The other I'm pretty sure he was killed
Thing is I can't prove it because it
Was ruled a suicide but the facts
The facts they don't line up
There's always shadows

I'm haunted by the shadows of my past
The trauma I went through to survive
The hell around me and my idiocy
When I was a teenager we all make
Mistakes but I'm just now learning
From mine which better now then never
But those shadows will always stick with me
There's always shadows

I was the introvert of the friend group
An antisocial introvert at that so
It makes sense I stuck to the shadows
Cast by my extrovert friends
A ghost that sticks to the shadows
How ironic to me I crave interaction
But rarely seek it and just stick to
The shadows where ghosts belong
There's always shadows

Day after day
Night after night
I'm always wondering will I escape
From the shadows that haunt me
Or will they continue to break me down
I wonder if I'll ever see the reason
To live for myself and not let the shadows
Tell me to live only for the sake of
Those that are around me will I
Ever know if that's possible
I honestly can't say all my life
I've lived in the shadows of others
That my life to me as become null and void
There's always shadows

words from a broken soulWhere stories live. Discover now