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Beauty it's all around
It's in nature
In the stars
Yet I can't find it
Within myself
Beauty it's all around

I can't stand the look on my face
Dead there's nothing but death
Comes naturally after years
Of abuse that's more akin to torment
Beauty it's all around

But the saying
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
How can one find Beauty in me
There's nothing but dead and emotionless
Beauty it's all around

Something that I can never have
It's a chase day after day
Night after night
It's eluding me everytime
What is Beauty in death
Beauty it's all around

The Beauty is within
Yeah sure within a broken,
Beaten, altered person
It's hard for me to believe
Beauty it's all around

The disgust of being called handsome
Is so high making bets playing Russian roulette
Is a better thought then being complimented
What's to compliment when you're dead inside, broken mind, scared by a past untold
Beauty it's all around

I can't stand the thought of
Dressing nicely to impress others
Why the fuck do I need to impress you
Why hell do I need to look nice
Oh wait it's because this shit hole
Looks, power, wealth, that what runs the world
Beauty it's all around

But to me Beauty is fucking pointless
The personality is what you should look for
Because that's the real Beauty in us
But me my personality is Fractured
Makes being around me hard
Don't care those who want to be around
They'll stick around no matter how much of an ass I am
It's what I hope but I know that's a lie
Beauty it's all around

But I'm just a ghost in the world
Nothing special about me
Plain as hell
Simple as that
Always wanted to stay under the radar
Introverts will get that
Beauty it's all around

The pain it changed Me
Made me resent life itself
Made me bitter to most
But there's just someone scared of
What lies ahead
I'm nice to those who I call friends mostly
Beauty it's all around

words from a broken soulWhere stories live. Discover now