When She Fell

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Quite a long ago .. A Human fell below
"oww.. That hurts .."
She turns around and see she fell on a field full of golden flowers
"really.. What a troublesome kid"
She turns to find the source of the voice standing in front of her , red sharp eyes with short brownish hair, green striped shirt and brown pants. watching with a smirk in their face. He started to speak "Feeling comfy? Can you get off the field? I'm watering these flowers"
Frisk rises fast and takes few steps back feeling embarrassed.
Frisk: "umm.. Im sorry .. I don't know how I fell here"
???: "well aren't we all.. What's your name?"
Frisk: I'm Frisk .. And you?
Chara: "you can call me Chara.. Don't worry I wont bite unlike the other monsters here"
Frisk widened her eyes "huh... Monsters?!"
Chara frowned and claimed " you do know you fell from the mount Ebott? The mountain where all the monsters been trapped??"
Frisk stared blankly and quietly for a moment then started to sprint out of blue to random direction "no no no no!!!" Repeating it over and over
Chara: HEY stop!
Sprinting after her to catch up. Frisk  stumbled upon a rock and was about to fall until Chara  pulled her shirt and hold her
Chara: What were you thinking?!
Suddened by her sobbing and crying holding his shirt tight while weeping
Frisk: ".. I can't remember anything.. I can't recall a single thing Im scared"
Chara stood like a statue, He didn't move an inch. The place filled with Frisk's cry. He hesitated and looked towards her "listen .. " she rose her head to face him with blurry eyes he went on " you will be fine.. It's just the shock you know, you fell hard it's ok.. Same thing happened for me" Frisk paused for a moment and said "really..?"
Chara: "yeah .. Really, however"
Frisk brushed her eyes waiting him to  answer
He hesitated... But decided to say " you are not allowed to leave this room  "
Frisk wondered worryingly " Why not? "
Chara looked at her coldly "Unless you want to be sheesh kabab for the monsters be my guest"
Imagining that idea Frisk shook her head " I won't ! I'll stay here"
Chara smirked : "Good .. As for me I got used to this place and I can do as I please .. Now you must be hung.."
Before finishing his words. ~groooowl~ .. Holding her tummy, Frisk's embarrassing level was too high
Frisk: um uh.. Im sorry!
Chara burst into laughter wildly " Well, let's get you something to eat, shall we?"

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now