His birthday

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It is December 20th, the coldest time of the year in underground. Just right before Christmas five days from now and Snowdin can't get any colder than that. Everyone is preparing for a wonderful Christmas with their family and loved ones. Monsters were raving all around the markets looking for gifts and wrapping them in red and green. Snowdin is more brighter than it always used to be. You find children playing here and there with each one meter one would pass and specially this time of the year, the playground is more crowded than usual.

MK along with his mates who became his best friends forever are playing around with Chara who became super popular among the kids, specially little girls.

"H-He's so cool..!" a little reddish monster girl whispered to her friend.

"Don't even think about it! he is mine" her friend replied to her.

"What makes you think that you own him!"

"Because he gazed at me while ago with a smile!"

This cute scene made Frisk giggles, she wouldn't take them seriously well, because first they are kids and second she agrees on how cool Chara is.

"3...2....1. Here I come!" Chara announced to Mk and the others who went hiding as they play hide and seek. While Frisk did not join them this time telling Chara that she would be fine just watching. She was sitting on one of the swings, motioning forward and backward lazily. Even with the joyful chirping atmosphere, Frisk was sulking for two reasons. She needs to prepare for two things and fast, Christmas and his birthday.

 She needs to prepare for two things and fast, Christmas and his birthday

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Thayer was standing on the back of her swing seat, well. Pretending to swing it for her.. because he can't touch anything. He was gazing on her new troubled expression.

(( Only if sulking can actually solve things )) he tried to tease her, but she didn't reply.

(( Gee, come on! It's not that bad.. you have plenty time until...err.. tomorrow? )) he shrugs carelessly. She turned her head sharply and stared at him 'you knew about this! why didn't you inform me?!' she said quite upset.

(( whoah whoah wait a minute, why should I know about his birthday date?! ))

'Because you were together for ages?' she argues back.

(( Good point, but no. Remember Chara is orphan? )) he flew away from the swing seat to the snowfall ground staring at some kids passing by.

'That's...' Frisk couldn't argue back, it's true. Chara told her about it once.  'I don't get it..'

(( The date goat mom indicates is CHARA'S arrival to the underground. Not his actual birth ))

'Oh... that's explain it!' she snaps her finger 'hey! don't call mom by that!'

(( call her what? Goat mom? you do know that she is a goat monster? who happens to be Chara's foster mother? )) he leaned his face closer to Frisk with a sick smile, she was annoyed as she couldn't reply to his statement. He was satisfied with her troubled expression.
Frisk looked over to Chara who so far caught two of the kids, leaving him with MK and Ace. They were well hidden around the area 'Well, that's not important for now.. I need to get him something as soon as possible!' she stated.

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now