A helpless Sin of a skeleton

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I know when to stop... when to let things go and when to move on.
But "I know" is different than "I can".



The night of Christmas, everyone had left to their home with gifts and smiles. Undyne insisted on escorting Alphys to her place, Mettatton who left ahead of the others with Napstablook and Sans with Papayrus.

Toriel suggested for Frisk and Chara to spend the night with her. They both agreed to stay a bit more as they are not in a hurry anymore. Toriel knew about their new home thing in Snowdin now. After Alphys congratulated them while ago, and even when Frisk tried to hide it and silence Alphys. Toriel gave them a weird gaze and said that they will talk about it later.

She took it better than what Chara thought. Probably because they are growing up already and want to feel independent. Or that's what Toriel thought.

Chara wanted to calm Toriel down, but he hated the idea of making false promises. Even if he knows that nothing will happen between him and Frisk, he wasn't sure about it and remained optimistic. Toriel was investigating him while he was gazing at Frisk, flushed to his deep thoughts. Toriel ahems to take his attention back to her, he shook his head "y-yes?" he stuttered. She lifts her left eyebrow with a half smile "child, were you even listening?" she sighed. Chara rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling with embarrassment "y-yes of course I am" Toriel gave him the eye before he surrenders "no... I wasn't" he admits.

Chara looked back to find Frisk but she disappeared from the living room, leaving him to handle Toriel and persuade her. "Unbelievable..." he grinned, avoiding eye contact with Toriel. She in return drew a long sigh before she said "I guess it can't be helped".

"What?" Chara tilts his head.

"I said, it's fine. You can do whatever you want my child." She sighs again, giving them the green light. She was unsure about her decision, but they are both happy and loving each other anyway. She doesn't want to look like the bad person in front if her son.

"Really? you are fine with it?"

"Yes. Don't make me change my mind" she said, Chara lifts his hands up "okay!... thanks mom." He said, overjoyed to this news. He couldn't wait to tell Frisk about it.

"You know, I assure you that nothing will happen between us... well, errr not yet" Chara coughed as his cheeks turned more reddish "damn this is really awkward talking about such a thing with you" he said. Toriel giggled "thats a relief to hear. Go inform Frisk and head to bed! it's late" she replies before going back to her room.

"Good night mom, thanks again for everything." he thanked her in the last moment, she smiled and replied him with a nod then closed the door behind her.

Chara went to look for Frisk in her room, he slammed the door open "Frisk! good news, mom—" he stopped when he saw the room was empty. "Not here..?" he wondered. He left to search his room, the hallway and the kitchen, but she wasn't there as well. Chara started to worry for a moment before he remembered he didn't check outside.

"There you are!" he finally beams, but he was lost for a moment. Frisk was acting odd, looking for something and worried. That was unlike her.

"C-Chara! hey!" she was startled as she turns around and forced a smile "how did it go with mom?" she adds.

"It went better than I thought. Were you looking for something?"

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"I don't know, you were acting odd while ago before everyone left... and what are you doing here anyway?" Chara questions, but she replied with a smile "nothing really. It's just been a long day today and decided to get some fresh air" her smile grew wider as Chara gazed her face with tender eyes "yeah it is. let's get inside".

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now