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"I don't ever tell you how I really feel, Cause I can't find the words to say what I mean"


Sans teleported everyone back to his house, "stay here for now, I'll check something" he leaves and close the door behind. Chara looked at Frisk "We can't stay here ----"
Frisk interrupted "I know.. I'll leave today" , "we will" Chara corrected, her mouth curved into a smile "Thank you" is what she can do for now "pack what you need, I'll patrol" he moved next to the door. Frisk took her bag and put a water and some cinnamon butterscotch pie she got from her mother recently and some money they might need for this journey. She takes a paper and write down something leaving it on the table with few money.

She shifted her bag to her back "I'm all set"
"Let's go" he said as they leave together. He puts his hoodie on "Where do you want to go?" He wondered, she paused for a moment "Forward" she points at Waterfall side. He looked ahead then at her "good.. I want to do something" he pass his hand to her requesting to hold her, without a single hesitation she passes her hand and lay it at his. Chara might seem to be cold and mean but his hand was so warm she stopped feeling the chilly breeze of Snowdin weather "W-what is it?" She looked away shyly "Let me show you" he smiles as they head to Waterfall.

~ at Sans and Papayrus house ~
Sans opened the door "Hey guys I've arrange--" looking at his brother holding a letter with a sad expression made him quite "Sans.." , he ran across the room and took the letter

~ Words are not enough to describe how thankful I am.. But I don't want to get you all anymore troubles.. Please stay safe until we hangout all again! Send my regards to the great Papayrus, and this money use it to get more Sphagatti! It's running out from the kitchen ~

Faithfully your punny friend Frisk

Sans gritted his grip to the letter causing it crumble
"Sans, we must help them!" Papayrus shook his brother's shoulder, Sans snapped his head up to Papayrus who has never acted like this to anyone before "Do you want to help them? Papayrus don't you want to join the royal guards?" Sans reminded Papayrus dream that he kept working hard to achieve, but knowing Papayrus he is kind and too friendly to lay harm to any creature "F-Frisk is my best friend! What kind of Royal guard I aim to be when they turn their back to their friends in need?" he was shivering.
Sans calm him down "Let's do what we can alright bro?" Papayrus nods. The skeleton bros decided.

- at the entrance of waterfall -
Frisk spots waterfalls above, crossing it behind them she pass her hands to let the water slide over it , Chara follows "Be Careful, I was chased in this place so maybe we will encounter..."
Frisk turned to him "Don't worry Chara.. Let's enjoy in the mean time" being carefree like her usual, Chara follows as he smiles since he got used to it anyway, plus he missed her company.. Just the two of them he thought.

"WATER you doing?" Sans was tapping his fingers repeatedly at his table post, let's say he wasn't so happy after reading the letter, Frisk cleared her throat since eventually she knows that he will read it sooner or later, but she expected him to be late.

"She doesn't want to cause problems" Chara defends
"There wasn't any problem we were expecting for that to happen sooner or later punk" Sans glares. Frisk middled between them "Sans I choose that, it's my fault" he calms down a bit with a sigh "Anyway.. I have arranged for you guys a new hideout away from Snowdin for a while"
"Where could that be?" Chara crosses his arms "MTT hotel, I have an aquaintice of mine there and arranged a room for ya" Frisk tiltis her head, "MTT hotel? Aquaintice? Have you worked there before?"'she asks, he grins while closing his eyes "Yeah I used to work there as a comedian for the shows" he remembers.
"Wow Sans" Frisk gasps, "For a skeleton you are indeed pretty HUMERUS" she beams
"Ayyyyyyy" Sans and Frisk pointed at each other and laughed it off
Chara rose an eyebrow then he flinched her head "oww Chara that hurts!" She rubbed her head. "Totally infection... Anyway thanks Sans, that will be helpful" he took Frisk's hand pulling her while walking "must keep going so laters" he said annoyed
"Yeah.. Laters" Sans wiped his tear from the good laugh as he watches them walk away, he then looks down his outpost, the urge to join them but the responsibilities stop him.

"Chara, why did you come here? You know when I left for the part time" Frisk suprised him with a question, since Chara supposed to stay at the house but then he actually got out, he didn't turn back to look at her "I just wanted to check ahead a bit.." It was a lie, and Frisk knew she stopped walking, he stopped in return turning half to look "Frisk?" He calls
"You don't trust me at all do you?" Her expression showed frustration and disappointment , his face went blank when he spotted her "I just want you to depend on me sometimes.. To see me reliable" Frisk crossed her arms staring at the rocky ground cheerless
((Bad Chara Bad! Making a girl go sad bohoo! ))
Chara stepped hesitantly towards her, looking down to her face while she avert her vision at the other side avoiding him "I'm sorry, it's not that I don't trust you or I don't have faith on you" he speaks "It's really complicated Frisk, but I was planning to tell you after I show you something" his smile slipped "okay" Frisk gave up without trying, He Held her shoulders suddenly made her flinch for a second "Frisk, bare in your mind that I trust you more than anyone who lives here in the underground" Chara said firmly, she nodded shyly while he backs away he doesn't know what he should tell her and what not, he was worried what would she think of him.
He picked a pace between them "There will be monsters lurking around until we reach the place I picked for you" He scratches his neck, curious how she will handle sparing them.
She enthusiastically lift her hands "Leave that to me!"

Medium sized Moldbygg blocks the way, Chara remembers ignoring him while passing but now he will see what Frisk logic will be used.
Frisk looked at his slimy body and the way he wiggles making slime sounds, she thinks deeper and deeper then finally acts!
"Bad idea" Chara chuckles, the moment she hugged him his slimy stuff stuck on her and he became a bit aggressive. "Sorry sorry!"
-Unhug- she backs away bowing with apology, he seemed to be satisfied and appreciative. He walks away "Guoooh" , both Chara and Frisk looked at him "okay moving on" Chara said not sure what he was expecting.
During their way they encountered Wousha who was cleaning the place "Can you help me get rid of this slimy thing?" Frisk requests, Wousha looks up with a big smile he runs to Frisk and start scrubbing "wosh u face, wosh u hand , wosh u leg scrub scrub scrub" he whistles as he sings. Chara's eyes narrowed.
"Der! All clean" Wousha was satisfied and went away "Thanks a lot!" She looked at her cleaned coat then decided to take it off and shove it inside the bag "It's getting hot anyway, I guess we moved far from Snowdin by now?" Chara nods "still, we are not even close. Waterfall is a big area" he states Frisk shrugs.
Last they encounter Aaron "Oh boy..." Chara sighs "what is it Chara?"
"It's the muscle horse.. Just look at him" he points at Aaron who keeps flexing here and there freaking the monsters and any passing by. Frisk studies his movement for a minute "Aha!" An idea passes her "He wants to compete!" She said looking at Chara with a sparkling eye
"Compete what? And why are you looking at me like that?" His nose wrinkled looking to her then to Aaron "Flex competition !!show him who's the best!"
Chara groans "shut up" he whispers barely hearable
"So!" Frisk looks at him with a puppy eyes, he exhaled giving up and standing in front of Aaron who took his attention "HMM?!" He looks at Chara while he flexes ON HIS FACE
Chara eyes locked on Aaron. He acts..
-Flex- Chara make a flexing pose while his face is full blank, he can't believe what was he doing "Flexing contest? Ok, flex more!!" Aaron says the excitedly
"Go Chara go!" Frisk cheers
He sighs and flex more, Aaron flexes back then he returns with a double flex after another. Chara realize he can't flex further than that but he kept pretending that he still got more muscles to puff "Nice!! I won't lose though!" Aaron gathers all his strength for the final flex he ever made! He flexes too hard that he accidentally left the room. Chara glanced at him rolling till he left then looked at Frisk "umm.. I think you won by default" she chuckles, he laughs it off "This is really stupid" he snickers as he brush his hair, he felt good somehow.. Sparing a monster in a unique way that is. "You did great for your first time! With my instructions you will be great" Frisk puffs proudly as she walks "Let's go Chara!" He smiles as he follows her "yeah yeah" and went forward.
They were both happy walking while laughing , Chara's face turned more brighter each time he talks to Frisk or she calls him. however, someone else wasn't happy about this at all.. He was rather frustrated and boiling with anger.. He doesn't have choice but to stay preserved on the mean time.
(( ...... You will pay for this)) He threats within his conscious

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