Tale Of A Boy with Crimson Eyes

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Veronica's Voice:

There are things we want to know and find out, yet it's better for us not to know. You don't know how some people's live in the past, you seek for answers but you should also know that it's not easy for them too.

It is better off to move on and think of the person before you in today rather in yesterday.


A very very long time ago, somewhere on the surface.

"Hey, did you hear about that newborn, recently?"

"The son of the misfortune fool who found him laying dead on the river side?"

"A prophecy says a child with crimson eyes of blood will bring salvation for the humans, finish of the unfinished and end what has started,"

"Have you gone mad?! do you truly believe in what that mad man said?!! he's insane!!"

"But that child is a proof and people were gossiping around....!"

"Silence this instant! speaking about that child or even calling that mad man's name are a bad omen and would bring disaster upon us, let us never speak of them ever again!"


A silver moon was setting above the gully in a quiet night right before the the cry of a newborn was heard. The cries were a sign of his new life calling for his existence. It was loud, normally like any other newborn. However, the cries grew louder and abnormal too when two hands grabbed him from his motherly tenders hands that were tainted with blood, lifelessly falling below her side.

"It's... it's real..." the man said, holding a baby whose eyes were barely be seen at his age, but everyone can tell that it shined brightly red.

"I..I must take him away! away from here, a place where he belongs,"

With this, he ran with the baby who didn't stop crying during the whole trip.

"Please be quiet or they will hear us!" he pleaded to a being that yet to understand what he says in this age, oddly the baby did stop.

"I will give you 100 silver only,"

"b-but it's a baby! he costs more, you can raise him till he grows up then he will be able to serve you even work for you! At least I'm asking for 500 gold!"

"For that I need to feed him, take him in my care which is a nuisance to begin with. I'm being generous to you here. Since you came all the way to a loath full place like this,"

There were  five men with scary features that you wouldn't feel comfortable to be around with. One of them kept darting at the man with the newborn, chewing slowly and eyeing him with dirty stares. The  other two men sniggered lightly while taking few a steps forwards towards him, playing and fidgeting with their knives .

"f-fine! alright we got a deal 100 silver it is!" the man made up his mind.

The deal was set, the baby was sold for cheap and that wasn't all. It was just the beginning. He was abused continuously, the word abuse became essential in this child's life. Like food, sleeping or breathing, getting abused by the others were normal. Yet he did not waver, even when he falls down, trips over  or gets drowned by them, he never wavered. He simply stood up to his feet.

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