The Warrior Undyne

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"Do you believe in prophecies Frisk?" Chara asked in a place they entered while ago full of ancient glyphs on the walls that were too ruined. "That's out of blue, what does it have to do with this" Frisk points at the slashed inscription that barely can be readable. It's as if someone actually point the attacks at these walls.
"These inscriptions are the prophecy of the monsters, do you remember the emblem while ago at the old man place?" He crosses his hands, feeding Frisk curiosity since they stayed here for a while because Frisk is just being Frisk.
She place her finger to her lips, thinking till she nods "Yeah the emblem that represents the monster kingdom" she points out, Chara nods in agreement "He said about the triangles but he didn't mention the wings"
"Now you mention it, that's true!"

"The prophecy says, The Angel, The One Who Has Seen The Surface... They will return. And the underground will go empty" 

Frisk kept touching the inscriptions as she walks, "It would be nice" she stood next to him "To bring freedom to these monsters" 

(( heh.. Only if she knew ))

"Yeah" he brushed his hair then moved to the wooden board that lays on the water lake "Let's get going"
"In a moment" Frisk flashes back to a seapefic gylph that was too damaged, it looked like a wing.. Not the wing on the Delta ruin, but a butterfly wing.
"Friiiiisk" he taps the wooden board repeatedly "coming!" She walks into the board, then he taps it making it move "ah!" Frisk lost her balance in surprise, making him hold her closer "dummy, stay still" she blushes. Till they reach the other side. He took her hand gently and walked outside the board. They scouted the area as they move slowly, his hand still holding hers, he leaned closer to her ears "Don't leave my side no matter what" he whispers. She looked at him, his look on his face made her know that someone is here and the chase will carry on. Her brow furrowed while her eyes darted in concern where would they appear. As the both of them pick their pace speeding up. A blue shining spear fell down right beside them making a strong impact.
"RUN" Chara yells while tightening his grip to Frisk sprinting, Frisk took a glance of Undyne behind the round walls using her magic to throw infinite spears all over at them. Chara took few hits protecting Frisk "Chare be careful!" She pulled his sleeve as they ran, "Over here!" He points to the long bushes taking Frisk close they divvied inside and stopped moving. "Not a single word" he hush her. Undyne jumped over to the grass side and approached closely as she grins her victory and cracking her knuckles towards them, Frisk shuts her eyes close. Chara was about to pull his knife up preparing for a clash. But suddenly before she grabs them, monster kid jumps at them making her grab him instead. She looked at his excitement smiling face then shoved him down before she leaves "Tsk" she groans till she left. Frisk looked at Monster kid and pulled him to her chest "Did-did you see that?!" He says while wiggling "Hey are you okay? That must hurt you" Chara looked at his head "Not at all! It was AWESOME! I'm never washing my head ever again!!" Monster Kid squeals joyfully, Frisk sighs "Just be careful.. You kinda covered for us, thanks!" She hugs him tightly, he giggles "She seemed really mad about something! But must be a mistake, you are really nice" he cheers. Frisk puts him down "Let's keep going".
Monster Kid raced before them as they walked, Frisk picks up her phone "Who are you calling?" Chara tilts his head "Sans! He disappeared with Genzo! I hope nothing bad happened" she calls at least three times but nobody answered, she sighs "He's fine" he scrutinized her worried face and somehow wasn't happy about how worried she is. They glanced at Monster kid who froze at his spot, looking ahead of him were nothing but a rainy path. There were a basket with few umbrellas inside "Very considering" Frisk chuckles. Chara pulls one and open it "yo! You got an umbrella!" He was half blushing since he couldn't get one for himself, Frisk gestures him to come "Here take cover, he runs towards her before he trips again she catches him "there you go". Chara rolled his eyes and moved on "oh" Frisk looked over the left side, there was a statue with two horns. The sight of this statue with the rain dripping all over it made Frisk smile fade. She puts down Monster Kid. Chara wanted to say something but she stopped him with "one moment" she jogs fast backward, picking another umbrella, panting on her way back to them. Monster Kid was so confused as much as Chara who understood her attempts, she puts it on top of the statue so no more rain drips on it. She looks at it one more time before she finally smile "aww you are so nice!" Monster Kid beams "What's the point anyway-" Chara paused to the sound of nostalgic melody. "That's a lovely sound.. It must be happy" she thought "Let's go" she points onward before picking Monster Kid. Chara was uncharacteristically quite the whole time, "Are you feeling unwell? You haven't said anything since we passed that statue". He tried to find a profound answer "A memory" he says. "Good one?" She questions him.
"Depends" he was off a bit, so Frisk didn't add anything. Laying her hand on the back of his shoulder, he looks at her with a half smile. "Frisk Frisk look!" She turned to see where his head was pointing, they reached outside with a lot of buildings and a castle on the other side of a huge spacious water lake "So captivating" Chara was still off but he nodded. Frisk exhaled, but she understood his privacy.
"NGAAAAAAH THERE YOU ARE!" Undyne shouts at them from behind.

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