See you soon (Frisk)

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After I explained everything to Chara.. He told me that he will follow me out this time but needed to get something.. I went to see mom standing at the kitchen. Without a word I hugged her tight and held her. I told her the truth, the fact I don't want to leave, yet I can't endanger her, the fact that I want to fix a lot of stuff, and this is not a goodbye. She didn't respond though .. But at least she wasn't hurt but instead she was.. sad. She took my hands and went to the basement with her, straight to that gate. "This is the way out to the RUINS" she stated , even though I already know about that.. I nodded. "But I'm sorry.. I won't let you easily go out" she turned around and faced me "Prove me you are strong enough to survive!"
((Entered battle mode))
My brain wasn't loading, I saw my heart floats in front of me.. What's happening?! I felt anxious and fear. "This is your soul.. You entered battle mode" I heard Chara's voice inside me..
"W-what should I do?" I whispered, "This is new because until now, the monsters didn't fight you seriously, from this point from now on you will get used to it" he explained, "prove to her you are capable Frisk" his voice faded.
I saw her lifting her hands up, flames float above her palms and started to attack me with it, I dodged by reflex and begged her to stop but she kept going on "fight back!" She shouted. I shook my head and tried to act.
"Mom, I don't want to fight you"
"Please.. Stop"
"B-believe in me mom"
" I won't fight you"
Again .. And again .. And again.

Toriel's aim attack kept averting my direction
"What are you doing...."
"Attack or run away!"
"Stop it.. What are you trying to prove" she turned her face
I tried to approach her ..
"Please .. Go upstairs my child" , I dodged again " I will be good.. I know we don't have much but.. I'll take care of you.."
She spread her flames which caused one to hit me "Ah!!" it burnt my arm, she gasped and all her flames vanished, she fell on her knee crying. I ran to her and hugged her tight "I know you do this for my sake .. I'm doing this for you mom, I won't leave you" I looked at her she was speechless  "I.. Never got a chance to live with my real mother.. She died when I was only 2 .. And for these few days you really made me feel the real warmth of having a mom, I'm happy and I want to protect you. I'll try to solve things through here" she took a deep breath and brushed my hair with her paw "You really are strong my child... Be good won't you?" She gazed at my eyes that made me blush while I wiped her tears. "But please child... No matter what.. Don't let Asgore take your soul .. His plans cannot be allowed to succeed" I nodded.
We both stood up she looked at the gate, then at me one more time, she rose her hands again a magical aura floated around surrounded the gate then it opened. I moved forward, the cool air  bashed inside cooling the place filling it with snowflakes. I looked back to see her walking back to her home slowly. "Mom!" I yelled, she turned around to look at me
"See you soon mom!" I gave her the brightest smile and waved my hand at her. Its never been good bye never will and never will be. She smiled back and rubbed her tears  from her eyes "yes.. See you my child"

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