Picnic at Hotland

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"I told you to rest! Not to sleep" he scolded
"couldn't help it!"
He carried all their shopping stuff to their room in the resort "Did you across with him?" He asks as he places the stuff on the bed, leaving Frisk to arrange the belongings the way she wants "No I didn't" she lied.
Chara turned his side to hers, rising his left eyebrow, this is unusual he thought, but Frisk wouldn't lie  "even so.. we are still going"
Frisk didn't mind and replied with a shrug "Is it far? The laboratory" , she was wondering as she never had the chance to venture around Hotland besides MTT resort area.
"Quite distant. But with riverperson it won't be that far" he rest his back to the couch, eyes following Frisk as she arranges "Riverperson?" She tilted her head with a puckered forehead, the name was too odd for her ears.
"Him....her... no one solved the mystery" he ceased for a moment, recalling a random attempt he used to do with someone regarding this Riverperson "Anyway, riverperson is someone who can make our traveling easier and faster" he explains.
"I see! Sounds fun. Wear this" she hands him a folded cloth with a smile "What? Why? I'm fine with this" he tugs his hoody in front of her. She past him the clothes anyway wither he liked it or not "It's really hot and not as cold as Snowdin! Just wear it and whenever we go back change it" she pulls something out from the plastic bag and moves to the bathroom to exchange, leaving Chara rolling his eyes and sighs taking his hoodie off.  putting on a black tank top, with a white half pants short. The sensation was lighter and better, looking at himself through the mirror he thought, what was Frisk thinking when she bought this? He brushed his hair not taking a notice Frisk was behind him until she ahems.
A white laced shirt that revealed her arms and was a bit loose at the bottom, and a short jeans just before her knees. Chara was astonished looking at her as she tugs her hair behind her earlobe "all set" she informs. A red tinge exposed from his face, covering her with his hoodie "No, but now you are" leaving the room afterwards. Frisk puffed her cheeks, too much to get a compliment from him she thought.. maybe she wanted something to happen?
Frisk giggled for her tease, wearing a new lightly patterned shirt above the white laced one and followed him "Wait for me!"

As they walked out of the resort, passing by other buildings till they spotted a water passage
With a berry hooded figure standing alongside a wooden boat, they speak "tra la la... care for a ride?" They offer with a melodic tone. Frisk paused trying to figure out the riverperson features, she could not see their face or tell their gender.. only a black hallow hidden beneath the hood. "Yes please.. to Hotland, labratoey area" Chara requests, while he assists Frisk carefully to enter the boat and sit. "Tra la la.. hotland it is" the boat started moving onwards with no peddling nor a machine. Another mystery for Frisk to add on her discovering the truth wishlist.
The more the boat moves onwards the hotter it becomes "You brought spare of water along?" Chara said. Frisk held her bag to him with two cold bottles of water "Always prepared!".
Reaching their destination they went off the boat "Thanks for the ride!" Frisk bows with gratitude "Tra la la.. hot or cold.. you can count on me"
The two proceeded their path, next to each other but no holding hands this time.. the temperature was too much, even with their current light clothes they keep sweating and drinking waters regularly. Frisk sighed loudly "You okay?" Chara asks. She nods "yeah.."
For some reason she was excited to have a little picnic with Chara and venture to this new area, but this area wasn't encouraging at all.
It was filled with rocks.. lava.... more rocks... and more lava... and
"Frisk Look out!!" Chara nudges her taking the blow of a flaming rock, blocking it with his arm "Agh" he groans from the burn. "CHARA!" Frisk cries, that must be painful. She took out one bottle of water and applying it to his burnt area. Chara looked for the source and found a small rock monster resembles a volcano looking at them with his closed eyes, his smile went upside down "you're hurt!! Vulkin will help!" Running towards them with his exploding fire attack that kept shooting flaming rocks, Chara yelled at him as they both dodged "STOP YOU IDIOT YOU ARE'T HELPING" grinding his teeth, Vulkin stopped on her spot, looking at how scary and loud Chara was sent her to tears... then she cried.
"Ahhhhh" Vulkin cried and cried... "Chara! She didn't mean no harm" Frisk approaches her and hug her "Thanks for the offer little one, he's fine now"
Chara looked at his arm again and found it been taken care of with a white rolled tape.. Chara's eyebrows narrowed thinking just when did she do that? And that's a totally wrong way of using it. As Frisk was trying to sooth her and calm her, a black cloud formed above her. Chara noticed the bolts falling from it, he acts fast pulling his knife deflecting the upcoming bolts towards either of them. Frisk on the other hand, was encouraging her and avoiding to look or hear the noises. A sweat dropped from her forehead, the volt sounds shook her heart and ears "Friiiissssk!" Chara growled at her, her act led to increasing Vulkin's attack joyfully that she began to wiggle.
Frisk thought Plan B.
She hugged her and rubbed her cheek against Vulkin's rocky cheek, sending her blushing as she walks away on embarrassment.
"Phew" Frisk sighs, Chara glared at her.. she shrugged. "Oww" he flinches her forehead "meanie!" Sticking her tongue out "Let's keep going before another weirdo comes" he grins at her.

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