~The place where it echoes~

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Frisk POV:-

I rise up stretching my back slowly after a long sleep.
Wait what? I reached for my head and looked behind me, Chara was snoozing and Napy was focused with his computer songs forum.
Success! I sighed in relief, I finally had a sound sleep without a nightmare, phew!
I shook Chara's shoulder slightly "Wake up sleepyhead" I whispered, he murmured opening his eyes to me, "Awake awake" he yawns, Napy noticed our awakening "oh......hey"
"Sorry about this, we turned this hangout into sleepover" I rubbed my eyes adjusting my blurry vision, he shook his head showing half smile "It was fun, don't worry about it"
I looked at the clock, wow we seriously overslept. "It should be good now, the guards lost our trace by now" said Chara with a tired voice. I kept my eyes on him for a while, I didn't realize I was staring "What?" He stares back, "N-nothing!" I averted my sight, Chara you are such a tease! How can he act like nothing happened.. After what he tried to do to me. I flushed, covered my face with both my hands.
"You must be hungry...." Napstablook passed behind us reaching the fridge "Let me get you something to eat, I shuffled behind him "Thanks Napy!". He opens the fridge door and I could swear I saw nothing inside! Totally empty, but he didn't say anything. Till he seems to be getting something out "This is....ghost sandwich..... Wanna try it out?"
"Aaaa sure" I passed my hand to take whatever was floating mid air and attempted to eat it.
It passes right through it "oh no.... Never mind" he became gloomy all of sudden starting to fade "wait!" I fished my hand inside my bag and brought out my favorite snack. "The leftovers of the pie" Chara points out, I nodded "Here have some" I split enough for the three of us "gee.... Thanks Frisk". I helped myself eating my share.
"Let's hangout again" Napstablook sends us off, Chara waves, but I hugged Napy "....aa...whah?" Then gave him small kiss on his cheek, he was sooo shy that he semi faded "Th...that's nice but.. I really can't hug back... Because well... I don't have arms" , I chuckled it's ok! I'm hugging for your share too" he smiles
"Laters Napy!"
"Heh... Laters Frisk"

Chara expression frowned, but then he pulled me closer "huh?" Planting his finger to the corner of my lips rubbing it "Cinnamon pie", I blushed.. But I blushed even more when I saw him lick his finger. "Let's go" he motions. Never thought he was that daring and all, didn't see that coming. What? What?!!
"Whoaah you two over there" someone called, Chara held his hoodie down. I looked to the source to see an elder looking tortoise, I backed away in surprise thought it was Genzo.. Maybe he would look like him after 100 years.
"H-hello!" I came closer while Chara remains silence
"I'm Gerson the junk keeper! Take a look! I've got some neat junk for sale!" He points to his stand with different weird stuff
A weird looking apple that looked like a crab, a tea, glasses and torn notebook. I tilt my head and looked at Chara who wasn't interested and just wants to leave "I'll take these two" I pointed at the glasses and the notebook, I sympathized him for a bit so I had to buy something.
"Alright! Thanks! Wa ha ha" as I gave him the money I saw a femmelier symbol
"That Emblem" I looked behind him, he turned to see "Eh? You don't know what that is?" He lift his left eyebrow then groaned " What are they teaching you kids in schools nowadays..?"
Does he think we are monsters? He absolutely thinks we are monsters
"Um sorry?"
He laughs "well, that's the Delta Ruine, the emblem of our kingdom... The kingdom of monsters wahaha!! Great name huh" Chara snickered a bit behind his hoodie, "It's as I always say.. Ol King fluffypuns can't name for beans!"

I scratched my cheek fluffypuns? Must be so fluffy and furry I thought.
"But the meaning behind the emblem has been lost to time, however, the triangles symbolize the three strongest monster races that helped in balancing the monster nation" he said , my ears were all with him. This kingdom must have a heavy history I thought.
"What are we talking about again?" He rubs his monocular on his head
"Thanks for the lecture, we need to go. Undyne might be around Frisk"' Chara held my arm to take our leave
"Oh Undyne, she actually just came through here asking about someone who looked just like you" he gazes at us, I gluped as my chin pulled in "I'd watch your back, kid specially with my grandson" he grins "G-Genzo?" I questioned "I guess you met him alright"
"We are leaving now" Chara pulled me
"S-sorry! And thanks a lot" I waved, he was smiling and kinda signeled me something with his mouth. Good luck?

He was picking a pace as I followed, I know we should be wary and all, but I would like to explore everything slowly, I humph as we walked. Till I bumped him "Hey!" He suddenly stopped "Finally we are here" he states , I wanted to look but he covered my eyes "Remember when I told you I wanna show you something? We are here.. I wanted for us to have enough time before you know getting chased again" his hands still covering my eyes. I was so curious and excited for what he was preparing "s-sure but, why you covering my eyes?"
I could feel his grin even with my eyes covered "you will see, just follow my lead" I nodded. He took few steps as I followed slowly afraid to get tripped somehow, till he paused "Here" he removed his hands leaving me study my surroundings. I opened my mouth in disbelief yet very pleased "wooooow" I said it as i was at the lose of words, I looked at him he was absolutely delighted. I looked around at the place, everything was glowing and shining with life, there was plenty of waterfalls around and so many many flowers with arctic colors, beneath the water a shiny stones reflects the beauty of this place, the cattail plants were moving in synchronized as if it were dancing for this beauty. I was so stunned I found my self kneeling towards these flowers "cmon sis make a wish!" The flower spoke leaving me fall back amazed
"Neat huh?" Chara snickered while helping me to stand on my foot
"Neat huh?" The flower repeated, "This is echo flower.. It repeats the last thing it hears" He explains. I stepped to hear more and more.
"I wish my sister and I... See the real stars someday" the next flower said.
I looked up to the ceiling.. It was full of a nightfall stars, more than the one in the entrance of Waterfall. I looked at Chara with a thankful smile "I'm in love with this place" I said warmly, "It's my special place, I'm really glad you like it" we made our way to the wooden bridge leaving out foot above the water level "Can we.. Come here more often? You know when we are done with this" as much as I wanted to stay here, I know time is running out and we should get going.. But It was a lovely opportunity to stay here for a while. His mouth curves a smile with a soft gaze "Sure" he said. I slowly laid my hand to his arm, grubbing his sleeves, he peers at me confused, I clear my throat "Hey.. I wanna tell you something" I look right to his eyes "um..sure" he lifts his eyebrow, worried to my annoyed expression.
I tried to let it out, to talk about it to him.. Then finally.
"I really liked living here, in this underground.. Even with this fake stars" I looked up, great Frisk! Aren't I such a big coward, this isn't what I wanna talk about at all!! Agh.
He tilts his head, listening to what I have to say "I lived in an orphanage.. I didn't know my real mother and father for a long time" I looked down to the water beneath us, trying to turn the mood into gloomy "I was... Happy though" I lied.
He slipped his arm behind me to my right shoulder, pulling me close "Were you?" He looked through me, I smiled and shook my head "I tried.. To be happy, but it didn't work"
"I'm sorry" he tighten his hand to my shoulder, I rose my head to him "you shouldn't.. I might not found happiness up there, but I found it here" I claimed. He gave a big smile and rubbed my cheek playfully, I let a soft ow slip my mouth then he stood up while I brushed my red cheek "we are kinda alike" he turns to me lending me a hand to stand up, "How?" I asked.
He paused before he answers "I never knew my real parents either" he peeks at me "But it doesn't matter, I'm happy here" he winks, My cheeks turned rosy, h-he was kinda.. Hot. I shook my head "Let's go, shall we?" He offers. I nod.

This is really not what I wanted to talk about... I guess after all I couldn't bring the courage to say it. I looked at him walking in front of me.. And at this moment I realized.
I can't see past this person anymore.

I Love him.

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