Her decision

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After a long conversation about Sans plan.
"A part time jobs?" Frisk tilts her head confused, how would part time jobs help her settle?
"Yea think of it like earning both living and reputation.. Though I'm quiet impressed how you treated other monsters so far! Specially the Royal guards " Sans was proud "As expected from my PUNNY friend" he soften his eye socket as he lay his eyes on Frisk , Chara lowered his eyebrows -smack!!- he hit both his hands at the table causing a silence to all of them, he glowered over Frisk "You Encountered the royal army?!" He gliched his teeth tightening his grips, Frisk flinched as she lowered her face "I-I'm sorry.."
"Yeah well sorry won't help here" he scolded , "Hey calm down punk she's sound and safe" Sans hissed to Chara "Say that when something happens to her and die" Chara pushed the table to stand up and left the house slamming the door behind him. Frisk's eyes were teary "I made him mad.." She felt responsible "No don't blame your self, it's just one of his CHARActers. He's just worried about you" , "You think so?" She blushed. He nodded "I believe so"
She smiled, "Well, for now you need to spend the night here until you feel better and start your part times another day, wad do you say?" Frisk nodded approval "Thank you a lot! I hope I'm not a burden" he shook his head disagreed "Not at all, just stay safe kay?" He stepped away and left to his shift or so he implies.
Papayrus was gone as well as he got a call from Undyne "DONT YOU WORRY FIRST HUMAN! THE GREAT PAPAYRUS WILL COVER YOU" he announced "My, thank you great papayrus"  she responded gratefully, she doesn't want to bring any trouble to her friends, Frisk determined to do her best.
Frisk opened the exit door slowly to find Chara was laying his back next to the door not bothering to look at her "You shouldn't come out" he pushed her back without hurting her and closed the door behind them "Chara I'm sorry, I will be more careful next time so don't be mad" she bowed down as she finished her apology, hoping for Chara to understand and forgive her. He gave a big sigh "I'm not mad at you" he crossed his arms "I just don't want anything  happens to you" he made off to the couch, followed by Frisk she sat next to him.
She lays her hand on his shoulder, that made him peep his eyes to her side "Don't worry" she assured him with a smile. They looked at each other for a while, the place was quite the only sound you could hear is the clocks's tic tok. Chara pulled the covers and shoved it at Frisk
"Ow" she muttered
"Stay warm idiot... You need to be in a good condition to do your work properly " he turns his head "What about you?"'she removed the cover from her face and cuddled  around her body " I can't roam around freely, but for you it's another issue". Frisk remains silent  "You should head to bed for now, I will sleep at the floor"
"But but.. Isn't it uncomfortable" , "Of Course it is" he mumbled "But as long I will be able to look after you" he lowered his tone,But Frisk managed to hear it well. She hide her face under the cover shyly "Th-Thank you.. Umm .. Good night!"
Frisk hides herself under the covers, her face was burning red but she was relieved enough to go to sleep.
But for Chara he grinned, as he just realized he said something unusual of him to say. "Good night Frisk"

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