Harmonious feelings

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A/N: This chapter contains a huge amount of fluff and a little of lemon... you have been warned.

((Wake up!))

"Frisk? Kidd?" Sans was checking on Frisk on the ground and not moving for few minutes. He rushed over worried what got into her, but Frisk opened her eyes slowly adjusting her sight.

"Sans?" Frisk said with a sleepy tone.

"The one and only comedian!" he elatedly said before supporting her to stand up.

"What's got into you? Are you alright?" he questions.

"I'm fine.. I think I tripped..? or something..." Frisk groans softly, rubbing the back of her head. She seems to forget something.

"Welp, as long as you are alright I guess that's cool," Sans shrugs.

"Yeah.. I'm hungry," Frisk says bluntly. "Shall we grab something from Grillby's?"

Sans looked at her suspiciously. She was holding her tummy and smiling like a moran.

"I thought you would never ask!" He approves. Frisk tangled her arm around his. He took it by surprise, a good surprise. Frisk read his expression and explained "n-no shortcuts?"

"except Grillby's is not that far," Sans eyed the direction.


They strolled their way to Grillby's. Enjoying the atmosphere, their natural kind of conversation mixed with jokes and puns. Frisk was more opened up to Sans and that made Sans more than happy. They enjoyed their burgers and Frisk had to take Sans's fries because of a little ketchup accident.

Nothing was unordinary.

Just another peaceful lovely day.

Though even Frisk was talking and laughing. She kept having this strange feeling. A memory she forgets. There was something important but she can't seem to remember. The more she thinks about it, she gets a headache.

"Headache again?" Sans soften his gaze when Frisk rubbed her head the fifth time now.

"Yeah.. can we get out?"

"Sure kiddo,"

Both of them took their leave from Grillby's and went back to talking about future plans and what they should do with their next meetings with the others.

"Hey Sans.. I think I'll go and see Alphys," Frisk said. Looking at the entrance of Waterfall. She excused herself.

"I can take you there, you don't need-"

"It's fine Sans, I want to see the others on my way." She smiles modestly. A bit troubled, she wants to be left alone. Sans didn't like it but loving her that much made her respect her wishes.

"As you say kiddo... just call me if you need something alright?" he gestures a phone call next to his ear with a forced smile. Frisk waved at him "you worry too much for a skeleton with bones, I'll see you later!" she says. Walking in front of him until he can't see her anymore.

Sans couldn't shake this feeling.

"Why do I feel like this is the last time I will see her...?" Sans couldn't understand. The feeling of seeing her last time made him uneasy.

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