The Ruins ( Frisk )

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"Get me ready for what? " I wondered
"I want to tell you something" Chara stated while both of us entered a new room filled with red leaves and stairs that reach to another new door.
I could feel him wavering... But something broke my attention
A glowing object floats mid air in the middle of the room
I know I should avoid anything suspicious.. But I felt as it was calling for me.. Wanting me to reach it..
So I got closer to it and reached my hands.
"Frisk..?" Chara stood behind me staring
A warm aura surrounded me making me feel firm and forward
((The shadow of the ruins looms above... Fills you with determination))
I turned to check on Chara "Hey Chara did you see that?"
His expression changed to something else.. "Chara.?" He seemed to want to say something but he held back
" Frisk .. What do you want to do from now on?" He looked at me seriously
Made me feel anxious a bit " uh what are you talking.."
And interrupted "You know.." Stepped  closer to me while I made my way back behind the wall with the stairs..
"Umm I don't know.. Maybe stay here around "
"Until when? Have you really thought about it ?!" His tone was sharp. Why is he mad?
"Chara please! I really can't remember anything.." I was about to burst to tears until I heard him sighing and patting my shoulder
"Frisk.. What I meant is what do you want to do from now on? This place is called the ruins and it's a small part of the underground.." He stopped as he wants to bring up something..
"Frisk, if you counter with other monsters.. Would you fight them?"
Holding both my shoulder.. Rather surprised me..
"No.. Would you kill the monsters here? He looked at me in the eyes.
"No Chara... No one deserves to die.. I wouldn't kill anyone.. Even if they try to hurt me it's ok, I'll talk to them they are probably scared" full of determination I was resolved
"Instead, I'll be friend them"
"What about that flower? Flowey was it?"
I started to remember the moment I met Flowey... How he threw me and tried to kill me .. The pain he made me go through. I looked down.
"He hurts me.."
I cleared my throat "Even though he hurts me... Doesn't mean I should hurt him back"
I looked at Chara firmly "instead I'll try to understand his situation and reason with him"
Chara was still looking .. Until he staggered me with a head pat
"That's good.. I'm relieved to hear that"
He gave me a smile I never seen it before.. Made me blush and I turned around.. Trying to hide my face. Why do I feel like this around him?
"So.. Umm.. Let's make more friends!" I announced and started climbing the stairs followed by Chara "alright "

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