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I made up my mind. I won't turn back. I will keep going.

That's what I have decided and planned to do. I entered the castle but strangely there were no bodyguards to be seen. No officers or whatsoever to halt me or tell me if I have an appointment with the King.

Things in Underground is truly different.

The castle was fairly big, and the hallways are longer to walk through with their marble clear grounds which I can see a slight reflection of me. For a moment I thought if they were longer or my legs are just feeling heavy because of who I'm about to encounter?

Stay calm...

Stay determined...

You are just meeting the King... no biggie, right?

Chara would absolutely make fun of me, probably point at me and laugh loudly at the face I'm making right now.

This is no good... I'm still thinking about him.

I made a painful smile, the heartache throbs every time I think about him, and then I heard someone's humming.

I noticed the wide opened grand door at the end of the hallway, and the floor was replaced with grasses and flowers. There I saw the person who was humming so passionately and deeply.

I took few hesitant steps inside the garden, or that's what I thought it looked like. It seems like he didn't feel my presence yet.

"h-hello," I greeted. My tone was ridiculously low but he flinched and turned around.

"Oh howdy.......there......"

I swear that his face kinda turned pale when he saw me. His eye gaze didn't flinch not even a bit, but soon I felt relaxed when he smiled as he looked at me properly.

"I-I'm sorry to disturb you. I'm Frisk!"

I introduced myself, looking all anxious and fidgety. I was holding the hem of my shirt, dropping my eyes to the ground not daring to look at the giant monster before me.

Should I bow? Why is he so quiet?

He is the King! I ought to bow! How disrespectful of me!

Just as I tried to bow to him the way I see it in the movie, he laughed so hard that startled me.

"Sorry about that human child..... I mean, Frisk? I'm King Asgore Dreemur, perhaps you know me already," he tilts his head, scratching his beardy chin. I can't say that he is not intimidating. His size is in a different level, his voice is so deep the one it tells you he is old and wise, and I can't imagine his Hulk hands!

"Yes, I do." I nodded, still averting my eyes from him. All shy and stressed until he noticed.

"Would you like a cup of tea human Frisk? There are some people I want to interduce you as well,"

He puts his water can on a side, approaching me to reassure me and lead me the way. Now that he is next to me, he is sure the hugest monster I've seen!

"Don't be shy, they were waiting to meet you," he adds.

"they?" now that he repeats it again, he said there were people he wants to interduce.

((he means us)) someone said when we entered a different room but I didn't see anyone there.

"over there," as if he was reading my mind, he pointed at the six jars in front of me and to my surprise, I stood speechless. Looking back at the King then at them again.

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now