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Everyone saw the white beam. For some reason, it was soothing to the SOUL.

*Always be Brave!

*Don't stray from the true path of Justice.

*May integrity leads you to a successful life,

*Don't lose hope and remain patient.

*Be nice and Kind to the others and understand them.

*Keep walking in your path, perseverance won't fail you.

One at a time, the children bid their farewell as they leave a precious piece of advice. Disappearing but moving on to their next lives in the afterlife. Their SOULS vanished faintly making the barrier crack slowly until it shattered.

*Stay Determined

-Presently after the turns of events-

The King was treated by Toriel and everyone was gathered at the judgment hall, except for Undyne and Genzo. Both of them were sent to report the people to stay calm and proceed with their routine and life until a further notice.

The danger was taken care of but there were few things remained unsolved.

Frisk was nowhere to be found along with Asriel and Chara.

On the long table of the judgment hall, sat there the King and Toriel, while they were waiting for Gaster's present, the atmosphere was awkward between the two. For many things.

Toriel was fidgeting. She had a lot to say. Her hand kept pulling her right ear down and up in a repetitive manner. Asgore realizes how nervous she is but admiring the golden gothic windows of his own hall or counting the number of the chairs for this table that seemed to be unnecessary won't ease the situation.

"Um... howdy T-Toriel. I'm pledged to thank you for treating my wounds,"

"n-not at all! It's.... the least I can do,"


"And of course, you stood up with the others, against him. While I was on my knees, helpless and useless,"

"Don't say that Asg-... your highness! You did everything you could and stood up for the subjects and your kingdom,"

"It's my duty Toriel.."

More silence.



"since... when have you know about the children...?"


"Why haven't you told me anything about it?! All this time... I-"

"It was a great burden I never intended to let you carry it w-"

"But I'm the Queen! Your Queen!! We do things together... we....."

"Toriel, you are the sweetest and the kindest mother to my children. Even if you tell me that you could do it.. I trust you but as your King... no. As your husband, I know it will pain you deep inside," The king approaches, holding her hands after she permitted him as he kneels to her level, her eyes were blurry, unable to forgive herself. She jumped to hug him tight, crying on his shoulder, asking to be forgiven.

"Tori, I was never mad at you.." he whispered, assuring her that she was always forgiven and loved.

"Eh- ehm," a forceful cough reached their long ears when the king was about to nuzzle her nose lovingly. Loud impatience clicking of Gaster's shoe reached their ears as he was avoiding looking at them and awkwardly broke their lovely moment. But this can wait, seeing his arrival there are important things to be discussed. The king went back to his seat, permitting Gaster to sit and start the meeting.

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