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Time passed while Sans told them everything. Well, most of the things they need to know about Chara's and the infected humans. Papayrus listened to the whole topic as well, but even while knowing this, Papayrus is different than Genzo and Undyne.

He would stand by the humans side and choose to believe in them.

"Just to let you know, I made sure that everything is safe. You saw it, we saw it and Alphys can prove it to you too" Sans adjusted his hat. Sans spent a lot of time explaining them everything and now, it is up for their own judgment to state.

"You know Sans, I always defended my actions as a necessary mean for a noble great cause." Undyne rasped, in a sad voice.

"We all did this for the monster kind boss, it's something inevitable." Genzo patted Undyne's shoulder two times.

"I DON'T GET IT... MAYBE THEY WERE SCARED. COULD'T BE THERE ANOTHER WAY TO HELP THEM..?" Papayrus interrupted, fidgeting his both gloves. Everyone looked at him, unsure what to reply.

"Bro, it couldn't be helped. They were going genocide and they are long gone for us to help them. The only way to keep others safe and even from themselves is to put them down." Sans replied.

"Anyway.. are you sure Dr Alphys checked the status of his SOUL? kinda suspicious that it's been erased like it didn't exist at all." Genzo middles in, switching the topic back to what it is important now, he was a bit doubtful and somewhat just like what Gaster stated in the book, he couldn't believe the way to lift the curse.

"Yeah, well. I believe love is a powerful strength. It can overcome almost everything..." Undyne scratched her neck, a faint blush flushed on her face. She's relating herself with Alphys.

"To answer that, everything was checked in the laboratory, Frisk was infected but we got it under control. So there is nothing to be feared of. However, I'm still keeping them in watch, both Frisk and Chara." Sans added, as if he wants to ease everyone's worry.

"just to be extra sure, I promised to handle Chara if things went wrong somehow.." Sans requested them to leave this case to him. Sans wanted to be the one to make this judgment. But deep inside Sans, the reason he stated this is because no one was able to handle Chara except for him in the past time Resets.

Papayrus didn't understand what his brother meant when he said 'take care of Chara' but he could think nothing bad comes from his brother. So he smiled at him proudly. Sans got hurt and didn't dare to correct his brother's way of thinking.

"So be it," Genzo shrugs before he adds "but you know? you shouldn't take care of him only."

"Your point?" Sans, tilts his head.

"If things went wrong, and Frisk got infected somehow to the last stage," stepping closer to Sans, face to face with straight eyes "You must put her down as well." He said harshly.

"Gen, what the fuck?" Undyne overreacted for a moment.

"Don't misunderstand me boss, but he should have the same taste we had before. Only then he will realize how much it really hurts." Genzo pulled his axe to his shoulder and walked away.

"I am done, thanks for filling me in. Don't worry, you can tell the humans we are cool now." He added as he takes his leave.


"Just call me Genzo or Gen for Alpharuina's sake..." he muttered as he vanishes from sight.

Sans sighed, before switching back to Undyne "anything you want to add? are we cool?" he wants an honest confirmation from her side.

"I wish if we could go back in time.. so we could prevent all these wars." Undyne wished from all of her heart that things were different than what it is now. But her wish made Sans flinch.

Only if she knew that not everything could be solved by returning back to time....

Sans clenched to his shirt in pain, as someone who experienced time reseting over and over again in order to correct things. Only if it was that easy and simple. But as convenient as reseting the timeline to fix mistakes and make good changes, there are things that no matter what as it could never be changed.

"But it is as Frisk said while ago, it takes a real courage to stand up and face your fears. Pretending that the bloodstains we shed will one day dry is what real cowards would do." Undyne said with a brightest grin on her face, never she thought that Frisk would say something cool like that. She liked it.

"So it's alright, because real heroes don't have to fight!" Undyne added, with a heroic pose, Papayrus stands next to her copying her "THAT'S RIGHT UNDYNE!"



"Okay you done guys? I'm really dying to go back home and sleep." Sans fell on his back and slept on the ground.

"ALRIGHT YOU LAZY BONE, COULDN'T YOU WAIT ONCE WE ARE HOME?!" Papayrus sighed. He carried his brother while mumbling "LET'S GO HOME UNDYNE,"


"Flowey why are you hiding?"

"Shutup you idiot!"

"Who are you talking to.... huh?"

Back to the laboratory, where Chara is being treated there. Flowey was hiding inside Frisk's bag trying to avoid certain someone. Alphys caught Frisk talking to him and with this encounter, Alphys gasps.

"This.... are you..?" Alphys's eyes were fixed on Flowey.

"SHUTUP, W-Who is this idiot?!" Flowey tried to silence her and act normal, Frisk was surprised of his sudden behavior and forgot to introduce them.

"Oh sorry, Alphys this is Flowey my friend! Flowey, you should be nice to Alphys, she is helping Chara you know!" Frisk showed him before she went and sat close to the bed where Chara was laying for treatment "You are exaggerating.. I'm alive and in one piece." he smirks at her, he then turns to Flowey "I didn't get the chance to thank you probably, thank you again." Chara said, genuinely. Flowey avoided looking at him as if he was hiding his face or whatever expression was formed.

"Don't mention it.." he says, still worried about Alphys's fixed gaze at him.

"I-I'm sorry, I thought you were... well, that couldn't be. Sorry again!" Alphys stuttered all the way nervously. None of them was able to perceive what was she saying and Flowey was pleased about it.

"Sorry Alphys, we kicked your place instead Mom's. I just didn't want her to get worried." Frisk was feeling sorry about their sudden show up.

"Truly, we should get back now." Chara got up from the bed, but Alphys stopped him "w-wait, don't worry about it guys! I was watching some anime I had in my collection and.. umm.." she takes a deep breath in "Why don't you stay for the night and watch with me!" She squeezed her words all on one go with a glittery eyes behind her glasses, it was impossible to say no to her.

Frisk looked over Chara who shrugged "I don't mind, we did promise to watch one day right?"

"Anime night it is!" Frisk sounds more excited than Alphys.

"Really?! let me bring for us some snacks!" She rushes to her storage room, a few rustling could be heard from her side. Frisk then remembered that they have Flowey with their company. Their eyes met and it was obvious that he looked bored.

"Come on Flowey, animes are awesome!"

"Never seen one, I don't care about such useless things." He grunts.

"That would make us two then, to be honest I never seen them before." Chara revealed a bit excitement to spend the night watching anime after a long tiresome day. Listening to what Chara said, Flowey sighed "I guess it won't harm just for today..."

In the end of this day, Chara made another unusual friend besides Genzo.

Flowey the flower.

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