I miss him

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There were no more conflicts recently in Underground. It's like everything came to a peace term again as they live in harmony.

Everyone went to live their daily biases with no problem at all. Instead, our little friends we know hangout together from time to time and sometimes they associate on different activities together.

Today, it just happened to be a normal quite day. It was Chara's turn to have his break, lazying around in his home as he waits Frisk to finish her shift from Grillby's.
He remembered when she told him that she will be late tonight because of Doggo's birthday and his gang made a surprise for him. But Chara wasn't alone no.
Since last time, Chara and Flowey became best friends and he always keep him in company. Sometimes, just sometimes Chara seems to sense a little bit of nostalgic that he cannot explain.

They would spend their times talking and other times they don't utter a word. Though it wasn't awkward at all.

Chara enjoyed every second of it, while Flowey on his pot reside on a small table right next to him.

"Hey Chara.. do you have siblings?" Flowey asked with petals leaning behind his face. It's as if he was being tender and soft whenever he talks to him. Though, it was always the opposite if it was anyone else.

Chara stopped his hand from drawing, the question made his heart thumbs hard and a familiar face crossed to the boy's mind.

"I... had a younger brother.." Chara answered with a sad tone on his voice but a forced smile he insisted to keep his face covered with.

"Used to? oh.. you mean after you fell from the surface of course." The Flower carried on, ignoring the sad expression that Chara was making. He was trying to pull Chara's leg, to make him to talk. He wanted him to talk.

"No, actually I met him here in the Underground. He was the first monster I ever encountered," Chara left the paper on his side, and stared up to the ceiling.

"He helped me, took me in to be part of his family.."

Flowey's eyes softened for a moment, as if he was in a deep thought. He was studying the human before him without saying anything because the look on Chara's eyes, he seemed to have more to talk about.

"He was like a snow, a pure kind monster. He was the greatest brother I would ever wish for. Asriel... he..." he stopped. Eyes growing wide slowly, in a memory of the tragic time. He slightly quivered in guilt and blame. Blaming himself once again. Chara leaned his face to his knees as he scoffed. He wasn't sure why he was telling him this it was a sensitive topic he never dared to speak of besides Frisk and Toriel.

Flowey knew, he knew about that tragic day. How can he forget? It was the time that both of their lives changed dramatically and turned his life to a living hell. Taking pitty to how Chara reacted, he tried to spread out his leaf for him.

However, he hesitated immediately. Pulling his leaf back. Flowey lowered his face down to the ground in shame..

"Do you miss him...?"  he whispered, still gazing the ground.

"every single second. He is the best thing that happened to my life.."

"I'm.. sure that he misses you too and wants you to be happy, safe and sound." Flowey cheered him up, but because of this little encouragement. Chara looked up to him and smiled.

"How about you draw him? tell me more about him. Ya know, how was he and all?"

"Sure" Chara liked the idea and took a new paper right away. They spend the whole time talking while Flowey listened happily to the way Chara was talking about his little brother.

Flowey wished he could tell him that he was here, next to him the whole time.

But he would put him in a grave danger.

Still, Flowey also wished if things could remain like this forever, without THAT person around. But some wishes are hard to come true.

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