A New Friend? ( Frisk )

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I thought resting for a while would be great idea for both of us since Chara didn't seem his self recently  , but I've never been wrong..
As I was napping .. I felt my body shivering
I couldn't stop my self .. I felt anxious
What's wrong..? What's this feeling? It feels like I'll get killed any second now
It's as a shadow is staring right through me full of murderous lust
I tried to open my eyes but all I could see darkness and ink like shot eyes smirking at me
I screamed for help
"Umm..... Hello...........?" A weird voice I couldn't recognize
Then finally back to reality
To find the source of the voice was the ghost who was sleeping close by
I was out of breath so I barely great him
"Oh........ I wasn't supposed to bother someone sleeping" he claimed
"No it's ok! I really wanted to wake up had the worst nightmare" I replied, how sweet of him I thought.
Then I looked around to find Chara.... and he's not HERE?!
"Where did he go this time" I mumbled "ah have you seen my friend ?
The Ghost noticed me looking around he shook " no......  When I woke up I saw you alone"
"I see" so he sneaked again ..
I remembered that I didn't even introduced my self! Bad Frisk "oh sorry! My name is Frisk what about you?"
"I'm Napstablook"
"Nice to meet you Napstablook , can I call you napy?" He nodded "If you want to"
I was happy to meet another new friend, but in the same time I was stressed thinking if I should progress while finding Chara or wait for him
"Do you live here napy?" I asked
"No...... I just hangout here sometimes when I feel down"
He's feeling discontented.. Must act and cheer him up!
So I did ..  encouraged him and told him bunch of jokes he actually liked it and I found out he's pretty humerus
"Hey...... Do you think you can visit my house sometime.....?" He wondered
"Oh....I shouldn't be such a bother" looking down and sulking ..
Poor guy he's really sensitive .. Wait a minute.. He seems to be.. FADING?!
I instantly told him "Don't say that I would love too! Let's hang out sometime"
He finally smiled and showed me a nice trick
His tears drop backwards to form a hat , I clapped excitedly and pretty impressed.
We had to part ways so I waved him and departed
I decided to progress but I was feeling somehow unsecured without Chara around, but I can roam around for now ...I suddenly tripped "oww" I should stop being clumsy and take this seriously
I heard a shriek "A human child?!"
I looked up my mouth opened widely
I encountered  ... A goat lady?!

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