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People say you don't know what you've got until it's GONE.
Truth is... I knew what I had.
I just never thought I'd lose it..


"Y-yes, sorry about that Papayrus" Frisk apologizes as she sighs through the phone she picked up "We will be staying at mom's house today" then a small pause "definitely!" she chins down, her hand rubbing her forehead. Today was too much too handle "alright, tell Sans I'm sorry on my stead"
She clicks end. Frisk drew a heavy exhale filled with sadness. She was sitting on her mom's favorite chair in the living room besides the fire. Leaning forward she stares into the embers of the dying fire. Her eyes were heavy, she realizes the wight of the pain Chara was holding all these times and how he westand it all these times. Or all these years to be precise.
"Chara..." she holds her arms, helplessly thinking of anything to cheer him up. But she can't do anything, besides being there for him, patting his shoulder or rubbing his back.
"These are not enough.." she wished she could do more than that, she looked around this empty living room. Since after all what Chara said, Toriel took him alone to her room for a little private talk. Frisk was troubled, so she decided to check on them, maybe they need something or a third party to comfort Chara. And most likely she wants to be there for him.
She walked the hallway towards Toriel's room, to where they are now. But she stopped suddenly to an echoing voice.

(( Frisk...... outside...... waiting ))

She glanced a passing shadow on the left side of her through a mirror and in a blink it vanished.
"Whah..?" Frisk felt she heard this voice before "Thayer..?" She thought, the voice was unclear and she thought it was impossible since they never seem to meet unless if she was sleeping. But lately she hasn't dreamed about him at all, which was suspicious for Frisk because she never took that pill. Frisk snapped her thought and remembered "what's there? Outside" she turns to look at the door out of her home and looks back at Toriel's bedroom door.
She finally acts. "It.. won't take long, besides, they need to catch up a lot"
She pulls the door's knob and leave, leaving behind her a sound of clunking door sound.

At Toriel's room, where she and Chara were sitting on her bed with a big album next to her.
"How are you... not mad of me?" Chara says with a week tone, doubtful about Toriel's reaction and her kindness that always never failed to surprise him.
"Why would I be mad at you? you have no idea how delightful I am that I've been reunited with you" she tilts her head with a warm gaze towards her lost son. Seeing him alive safe and sound, brushing her fingers through his hair. She doesn't recall it was that long. She remembered how long they were apart, but she was sad that he kept hiding away from her all these years instead being together again.
"If it .. weren't for me" he stuttered "Your son would—"
"You are my son too Chara. You are both precious to me!" She moves her hand clenching him tight to her, a tear fell from her eyes, she bethinking the memories of her family, the moments they spent together. How warm her new home was regardless the lose they received after the war. She couldn't help but to smile, "You were all so precious to me" she calms him down.
She pulls the album that was next to her, taking his attention, she opens at the first page. A picture of him and Asriel at the first day he brought him home. On the dining table they were eating a pie, Chara was half smiling looking at it, there was red circled date under the pic. He brushed the date with his index finger smoothly.

"You.. wrote that down" Chara said.

"The date we found you is the same date you became my son. And your birthday party!" She rubs his right arm, he points the other pic "This is when you... made a new clothes for me, to look like Asriel" he gave a half smile remembering.

"Yes it is! You know it was Asriel's idea too" she giggles

"Thought so"

She flips the next page, "aha! Look at this one" she shows him a picture of him and Asriel eating snail pie, Chara's expression was funny after munching his first snail pie ever.
"Yeaaa.." he snickers "the taste was terrible, but it was Asriel's favorite dish" he twists his nose. Toriel puts down the Album on Chara's lap "yes it was" she then turn her other cheek. Chara sensed her discomfort "You miss him" his eyes are locked on the album pics. "I missed you all... you... Asriel... and.." she couldn't gain the courage to say his name.

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