Thayer Appears With The Uncovered Past

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After yesterday's night, everything went well smoothly, they got enough money from working with Mettaton and she's not bothering them anymore.
But since that night, Frisk noticed something odd with Chara, he's being more quite than usual. "Do you still feel unwell?" She tried to check his temperature but hit was average.
"No, I'm fine"
But he doesn't look fine, he's spacing out so much as if he is in another universe. She tried to use a common trick by offering him a chocolate, but he shook his head "thanks, but don't feel like it".

"Not even a chocolate..." Frisk was sulking in front of the sinker in the bathroom while Chara headed to sleep. "I won't be able to help if I don't know what's with you Chara.." she sighs, then widen her eyes "m-maybe he's bored of me... maybe he's not interested anymore—"

(( damn, you human girls never change, always thinking that it has to be something about you... learn to chill! )) said by anonymous voice.
Frisk was alerted and turned around instantly before she yells..

(( Don't you dare to— ))

"AHHHH!!" She jumped back, she was sure she's all alone in the bathroom, when did he come? How? Frisk panicked.


The door slammed opened "What's wrong?! Are you okay?!" He asked looking for intruder or something but he only found Frisk on her underwear and kept staring it with bugged eyes and silence.

(( He can't see me you know, I'm only visible to you )) he chuckles as she turns red hiding her chest while Chara was still staring, she lets out another scream in the time she threw all the things that were close to her on Chara "ouch, hey! Frisk ow wait—" 
"Learn to knock the door!!" She slams the door close.
"You were yelling!" He tried to justified
"I saw a cockroach"

(( are you calling me a cockroach?!)) he was unpleased with the statement, she pulled her towel fast and covered her self "Don't stare!"

(( it's pointless, I'm stuck with you princess )) he grins with a dirty look, he's sure that he's going to enjoy this kind of sight a lot. Frisk shook her head slightly "I don't get it" she whispers, afraid if Chara would overhear her talking all alone inside.

(( oh please, you know exactly what I mean )) the shadow behind her formed into a human figure. Frisk backed away towards the sink in disbelief.
A figure as tall as Chara but not close to him, his hair was pure black like the darkness, long bang covered his right eye, but she could see the color of his left eye was red but not as red as Chara again. It was like a blood with a black iris on middle of it. His skin was dark tanned with a skinny figure wearing stripped black and white shirt, he stood before her with a grin.
(( Before you ask, yes it is me! None other than Thayer.. your new best friend! )) he said with confidence. But she was still unsure, she always met him as a clone of Chara.
He sighs, he could tell what she was thinking (( This is my real form, I won't like it if you always look at me as Chara instead of ME )) he said, she sensed his annoyance and apologized fast "I-I'm sorry, I was surprised"

(( you don't have to talk out loud...just speak to me inside your conscious, I can also hear all your thoughts )) he crossed his hands (( unless you want people to think of you coco!)) he chuckles.
Frisk's tilts her head with knitters brow.

(( I heard that.. yes I am serious )) he bursted to laughter when he read her mind.

'H-how?! I..." she paused then lift her hands to the air 'No, I won't even ask' she lays on the corner sulking. She never thought it would be like that but now, it's too late.
Thayer float and sat next to her imitating her sulking pose.

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