The despair of a Flower

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The castle blacked out, after taking on the six human SOULS and making a great impact to the King and tossing him on a side. Sans reached the right moment to save Frisk away from the remaining black ivies that tried to impale her.

Both of them witnessed a nightmare, and Frisk couldn't believe her eyes. Flowey the flower who became their edgy friend and even helped Sans and the others to retrieve Frisk from being possessed. No one was able to help back then when Thayer snatched him away and hooking him down. Flowey's face suggests Frisk that he is no more the Flowey she knew.

"I heard everything and to be honest, never in my life thought that our king was a wimpy king who couldn't simply do what he should have done,"

"Hey snap out of it, what's gotten into y-" Sans tried to talk sense but Frisk stopped him, and shook her face, gesturing him that he is not on his sense.

"No one will miss him anyway, now that I have these six human SOULS I WILL BECOME A GOD!" he laughed harder before he adds "before that though... I need your SOUL as well Frisk, so what do you say? Hand it over nicely," with a possessed deep tone, Flowey was growing bigger, and bigger. Sans stood up in front of her with one arm lifted on the air guarding Frisk, a sign that it won't be easy for him.

"Thought much, you are always determined! And it would be boring if you give it up that fast too!"

It was time that the entity of Flowey to be created after absorbing the six human SOULS. The appearance and the process of him evolving was too terrific that made Frisk mortified if it wasn't for Sans to hold her shoulders to calm her down. Flowey was expanding and growing bigger, sharp edges bloomed from his body and few machinery parts were formed with pipes sprouting from above attached to a screen looking square. Four eyes opened suddenly as if the being came back to life all shocked and looked all over around the corners before they settle on the two beings before them. A hungry mouth that has two sideways jaws that were breathing in rapid and teeth that were hungry to bite and thick saliva that fell from the corner of his mouth. The entity transformed into a grotesque, flower-shaped hybrid of a plant, the human organs sent a shiver to Frisk's spine.

The size was enormous, finally, the screen flashed up with the face of Flowey himself.

"Boy, it feels so great to have six human SOULS inside me!" the evolved flower was filled with unlimited power and he feels that he could do anything.

"Frisk? Kiddo?! Are you alright?!"

"The King..." she was still shocked and concerned of his safety.

"His soul is still on place, don't worry, we just need to get rid of this plant and move the king to safety,"

Frisk tried to snap out of it and think how to get out of this situation.

Flowey's large shaped looking hand tried to stomp Frisk and Sans, both evaded with Sans teleportation.

"that son of a-"

"Language trashy comedian! I just want her SOUL, not asking for much!"

"Did Thayer ordered you to do that?!"

"SHUT UP!" He stomped again repeatedly and Sans held Frisk and teleported her few times around Omega Flowey.

Mentioning that name wasn't a good idea. It must be it, otherwise, he wouldn't react that far. His tone and expression tell the same too.

Sans asked Frisk to stand aside before he snaps his finger to call his powerful magic. Three huge skeletons heads floated behind him and with a glowing eye, he Gaster blasted the plant on his face.

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