Camping in the woods

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I'll follow you even in your darkest days just to get you in the light,
I'll offer you my sweetest smiles, just so I get to see yours.


"Got everything ready for this trip?"

Everyone nodded hyperly "Yes"

"Then show me what you got!"

Everyone right away unpacked their bags and took out all the things they brought along for this trip. Leaded by Genzo who was the head of this activity, and forced to join his friend to show his truce.

"If you want me to hangout with you all how about camping?" he one day suggested to Chara and Frisk. The two of them found it odd idea but there was nothing to lose.

So yesterday, they asked everyone who might be interested and willing to join for this activity. The skeleton brothers approved right away, while Mettatton boasted her approval after knowing that Papayrus will be there and brought Napstablook along to hide the suspiciousness. Undyne have nothing to do, no home to return to invited Alphys along as well. With this, there are a total of 8 people excluding Genzo the leader.

Genzo on the other hand, wanted to experience this kind of human activity. Camping is not something that anyone can do and requires skills, sharpness and experience. So he was looking forward to it and was already rubbing his hands together watching this amount of people who wanted to do what he liked to do.

But soon his excitement faded away..

"Mettstton... why the hell did you bring a couch? what's with these fancy stuff!?" Genzo disapproved before he eyes at Sans "Hey clown... why don't you have your packback with you?"

"Aaaa...Because I didn't bring one?" Sans grins on his face.

"What about food?" Genzo crossed both his arms.

"There is always Grillby's back there," Sans pointed behind him but both of them know he would not walk all the way and will teleport instead.

Genzo sighed with a face-palm. Until he hears a sound of a noisy rip of snacks, it was Chara. Genzo rushed to him just to be sure before he jumps to conclusion "You can't be serious Chara, bringing chocolates of all things?!"

"Why not?" Chara replied with a confused shrug, it was the first thing he thought to bring to this trip. Frisk giggled "It's just a snack Genzo! we can have snacks during our camping time,"

"We should rely the nature for food," he exclaimed.

"Dude, nature my ass... we are in SNOWDIN SNOOOOWDIN. You do realize we are surrounded with trees and snow right?" Undyne was gritting her teeth but that was  from the chilly weather only.

Genzo who didn't flinch, rose an eyebrow "oh? we eat leaves, snow or even branches if we have to,"

"Eww.. no," Mettatton declines his offer.

Alphys who tried to take out a machine she worked on that provides fire and warmth for everyone specially Undyne who is having hard time was stopped immediately when Genzo darted her a glaring eye.

"Don't even think about it" he dares her, she hides it back.

Frisk and Chara  witnessed the tension and looked at each other before Frisk talks "well, it's as Genzo says. It wouldn't be fun if things were easy right?"

"Yea!! I like it the hard way!" Undyne was interested, followed by Alphys and the others slowly one by one.

Genzo shot her a hesitant look while she winked him for trust.

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