The King's choice

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It was night by then. The serenity of the night spread Underground and there was no trace of a living being who is awake in this late hour.

The lights were off, all the candles were blown off. Nothing but a reflection of the dark.

Through the dark, there was a large shadow that one could not ignore. Sneaking, slithering and hiding inside the castle. A flapping of the wing could be heard clearly if one pays attention with the wind. The intruder made sure that everything was natural.

One would naturally think it was an intruder, but what would the intruder want inside the King's chamber who lays sound and asleep? The figure made a respectful bow to the King of the monsters before his two grand wings rose up above the King.

"Your Highness, the time has finally arrived. You have to choose the destiny of your subjects. The fate of monsters' rest on your shoulders"

Her black feathers reached to the King's bore gently not to wake him up. During his sleep, his face tensed a bit, showed signs of anxiety and worry. In his sleep, the King was disturbed by something.

The last human child paid a visit to him. Not a good visit though, the girl was holding a knife. Was grinning at the King's presence and informed him that everything he was protecting, all the people he loved and tried so hard to keep them safe are dead.

King Asgore Dreemur, hearing that. Witnessing the death and the fall of his kingdom, made him lose himself to rage. The monster cried as he turned his throne room into the 7th depth of hell, the golden flowers he adored and took care of roasted to ashes, he didn't hesitate to use his spear and magic to eliminate the last human who toyed him around.

"Human child!!!! How could you??!! Why would you???"

He couldn't understand the reason behind this genocide, he can imagine it as clear as his fire that surrounds him. The agony and despair his subjects felt. He could see her face. Her sad shocked face as she dies by the hand of this human girl.

"Are you proud and happy with what you've done to them?!!"

The King managed to lay a direct hit on the human girl side, sending her flying to the wall. In a less than a minute, she stands up like it was nothing and dashed to him again.

"I can't understand why you would do that.... Why the prophecy has witnessed this day?! I can't understand why the genuine lady told me to be prepared for this day..."

The King of monsters grits his teeth, angling his body, feeling nothing but hate and grudge.

The human girl kept changing shapes, once to his adopted son, then to his real son and back to the human girl.

His eyes widened up with tears on each corner. His hands shook slightly for seconds before he grips his spear again.

He lost everything, his son, his wife, his subjects, his whole kingdom. There is nothing else to lose.

"I'll bring you down, I won't stop until I make sure that your sins will be paid off by me, I'll make you fall with the kingdom," the monster promised with a deep threatening tone.

"This is my ground human child, and I will keep fighting and the mountain shall not fall,"










The King was blinded with a mixed share of these feelings, slowly trying to gain his conscious. He looked around and saw hell. A hell that he made because he lost himself. Looking around, he can't believe that yesterday was a beautiful day. The flowers moments ago were radiating with their golden color and blooming brightly, now they are all bags of dust and flames.

"How come you don't care? How come you still smile and snarl?"

Slowly, just slowly. Seconds pass while a little bit of his motivation goes down. He can't understand and the King is lost in the middle of a ball of confusion. The image of the girl before him keeps switching back and forth to his son. Until it completely showed him the whole figure of his son that he lost, how small he was and how he couldn't grow up properly like the other kids.

He stopped.

He strikes his spear to the ground, wailing on one knee.

"What's the point... what's the point...? I've lost you, I've lost everything, I've lost them. I missed her so much... I'm.... I-I can't...."

He couldn't do it. He can't see what's the use of even trying.

"They won't be back, they can't be back."

The king gave up to his own kindness. Making his own son walks slowly with a smile on his face to kill his own father.

"Was I meant to be the King of nothing after all...?"





Suddenly he woke up. He woke up to see he was in his room, on his bed and it a normal night, just a terrible dream. He rushes over and checks from the balcony to his subject, to his people.

They are safe, there were no screams, no dust. Some of them closing their stores and heading home to sleep.

He went back to his room, closed the shutters and sat down to the closest chair. Spending the night with silent tears and a decision to be made.

The crow lady was on the watch outside the castle, at a fair distance her sight could catch the King and saw his anguish.

"I'm sorry your highness, you just need to consider what yet to happen"

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