Between Dream and Reality

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Chara POV:-

It was dark, and it was cold. I felt nothing.. As if my heart was empty.
I was tied on a chair.. I could feel how tight the ropes held me and a cold leak turned to be my dripping blood from my head. They were surrounding me like vultures.. and I was their prey, waiting for the right moment to strike and tear me to pieces. I felt a powerful kick from one of them towards my chest that shoved me to the ground as I spitted more blood.
Pain? I didn't feel that
Misery? Not even close
But madness and insanity engulfed me.
I was grinning and laughing maniacally for every hit I get. They seemed to not have enough.. They just had to keep it up and torture me with every method they think of.
I know what they want..
They want to break me down
They want to make me groan
I had my pride.. Thus I will not abide
For my soul shall always be free.

Or so I thought..
A bad memory.. I wish it could be erased, before I opened that door .. The door that started what I was afraid of.. The door that became a true nightmare.. Worst than my demons. The door that led me here. The beginning of everything.

I snapped my eyes open pulled my knife from my pocket and stabbed it to the floor.
It was just a bad dream..
Frisk flinches to the sound and back up to look around "Sorry Frisk" I spit out, I had rough sleep I excused. She looked at me then dropped an exhale "Go back to sleep" I asked then closed my eyes, I felt a soft small hand rubbing my forehead, I opened my eyes to see Frisk sitting beside me "Nightmare nightmare... Go away!" She lifted her hand as if she was throwing something "what do you think you are doing?"
"Um.. You look like you had a nightmare Chara" she rubbed her sleepy eye
"No I'm not"
"You are sweating! You are shivering too.. Even this moment" she said softly
I looked at my hand, and my fingers are actually shaking "It's.. Just cold here"
Frisk was eyeing me with concern.. For a moment I thought of being honest with her, but instead.. I moved up to face her, she backed up a bit I reached my hand to her head and patted her "Thanks.. I'm fine now" I smiled at her for being so caring for me.. A person that doesn't deserve such a kindness from pure girl like her. I could see her cheeks turning red as she hides behind her bangs, I tried to remove her bangs to get better look at her eyes but I shook my head and laid back, " sleep tight" she squeaked shyly and climbed back to her couch.
I closed my eyes and took a big inhale and sigh it out. I smiled as I fell to sleep.

Reader POV

((That bitch....))
A shadow  spread out from Chara's body eyeing Frisk sleeping body madly
(( Spoiling my toy here... And making him soft.. Confusing him with unnecessary ideas and feelings.. She deserves a small warning)) he says as he lurks around the couch (( HEH who I'm kidding with? She deserves a punishment HAHAHA!!))
The shadows then, invaded inside Frisk's sleepy head.. Invading her dream.

Inside Frisk dream.. Frisk was sitting at the roof of the RUINS where you can see Snowdin view. The shadow was behind her as he watches her moving her legs back and forth and humming excitedly. He shifted his shape to Chara's body they looked so alike .. But his expression was mad and maniac.. Different than the usual Chara. He bashed towards her, Frisk felt a fast footsteps movig and attempted to turn her head, he tangled his arms around her "fancy meeting little girl" he says mischievously "Ch-Chara?" Frisk cheeks turn red since they never been that close physically "What's the matter? Not happy to see me?" He tighten his grip to her body, his cheeks rubbing hers "Wh-What are you.." He interrupts her "Oh stop it with being nervous.. You like it admit it" he pulls her back to her feet roughly and push her head towards his chest.. He takes a sniff "mmm you really smell good" he sighs out "S-stop it" she tried to break lose from him but that made him tighten his grip even more "~ what I thought you liked me?" He grins to her bothered expression "No! You are not Chara.. Chara wouldn't do such a thing" she says confidently while struggling. He loosen up to what she said which made her break free.
"Interesting..." he eyes her "Then again.. Do you really know CHARA?" He said while stepping slowly to her "Yes I do!" She defends "You're not even close to him! A fake!"
He grabbed Frisk's neck to chock her, on his other hand he gestured his finger denial "Silly girl.. YOU KNOW NOTHING" he shouts as he tighten his chock to Frisk's neck, he lifted her from the ground that her legs not touching the floor anymore, she struggles to breath trying to get off from his grabbed hand.. Her face began to turn blue.
"This is a warning Frisk.. Spit it out and you will DIE" he throws her body to the outside floor as he laughs maniacally, Frisk screams in fear till her body hit the ground and bones cracked.
Frisk wakes up to see her self on her usual couch.. She turned right to see Chara was sleeping soundly.. She brushes her face she was sweating badly, so she decided to move and head to the toilet.. She noticed it was still 5:00 a.m
"So early.."'she mutters. She looks at the mirror "What...!" Frisk backs off till she leans to the cold wall, her face tensed .. That caused from her reflection on the mirror that revealed a big red mark around her neck, her eyes were terrorized she tried to wash her face and her neck gut her hands wouldn't stop shivering. Her heart beating hard she hoped the marks would disappear.. But it didn't. Frisk was shivering in every inch of her body, she changed her pajama and stepped the the exit door slowly and shut it behind her.
Snowdin was still chilly as usual, Frisk folded her hands for warmth, the coat Chara given her was so helpful.. But for the first time she just wished to forget about Chara. She sat at one of the stair ledge and sighed out.. Seeking for peace of mind.. There wasn't many people around this time here, it was quite.
But even that didn't last long..
The door busted open "FRISK?" Papayrus called loudly, Frisk flinched "shhh Papayrus! You gonna wake up the others"
"Oh right!... Sorry!" He whispered, Papayrus was wearing different clothes this time, he was wearing a head band tied around his skelly head, a black short with a t shirt written 'jog boy' on it. Frisk was viewing him as she never see him besides his usual clothes, but his red scarf still there. "I have never seen you awake this early before Frisk!" Papayrus taps his chin, Frisk nodded "Guess I had enough sleeping" she hated the idea of lying but she hate to make others worry. "In that case how about you join the great Papayrus jog time?!" He offers excitedly, since Papayrus loved the company of Frisk but lately she's been busy with her part times "Why Of cours great Papayrus! be easy with me" she smiles modestly as the both jogs around the town.
Papayrus was jogging professionally enough for him to not feel exhausted at all, Frisk on the other hand kept being  behind and slow "FRISK YOU CAN DO IT! KEEP IT UP"
"Papayrus how long have has it been anyway?!" She pants
"OH ONLY 3 HOURS" he yells as he thinks "Only?!" -thump!- she fell on the snow exhausted, refusing to move another inch "GIVEN UP ALREADY? WELL YOU DID GOOD FOR A STARTER LETS GET SOME NICECREAM!" She looked up, still laying on the snow "that's kinda beat the purpose of our jogging" she giggles but accepts the offer anyway.
Papayrus took vannila nicecream while Frisk took strawberry "tastes good!" said Frisk while she licks her scoop, Papayrus agreed.
"BRAT" Chara called from a distant to Frisk who's suddenly froze to his voice. "Didn't I tell you not to roam around without telling me your destination?!" He gets close to Frisk as he scolds her "SORRY CHARA I BROUGHT FRISK ALONG MY DAILY JOGGING" Papayrus rubbed his head feeling guilty. "It's not your fault Papayrus... You didn't know" he turned to look at Frisk who was avoiding his eyes until he flinches her forehead "ow!"
"That's the least thing I'll do for now, don't do it again! What if something bad happened to you? Or someone attacks you?! Don't do it again" he scolds her
Frisk finally lifted her chin to look at him, She remembers now.
Chara was always willing to aid her to look after her even though she didn't ask for it. He was worried, he's doing all these because he care. And because of this, she will put the thought of that dream on a side and forget about it, because what matters more now is how the person is in the present time.
"What are you smiling at?" He grunts
She moves and asks something from the nice cream bunny, he passes her something then turned to Chara. "Here! And I'm sorry" she smiles brightly as she hands for him chocolate nicecream, his eyes twitched and his nose crinkled "I won't fall for this" he brags but he took the nicecream anyway.
"ARE YOU APPLYING FOR NEW PART JOB TODAY?" Papayrus asked since the atmosphere  stiffen between them.
"Actually.." Frisk stooped licking her nicecream "Let's solve some of your new puzzels Papayrus! I need a break today" she requests "WOWI FRISK! IM GLAD YOU ASKED"
They both stands up and Chara joins, she looks at him "um you coming?" He gazed her "What do you think?" He enjoyed eating his nicecream but not showing a slight of interest. She giggles "alright, puzzles time!"'

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