Analayzing the mistakes

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"I....I.... what have I done." Alphys held her face, quirking unstably alone inside her laboratory. Just thinking about what she has done made her have the urge to tear her face "I..I can fix this! or can I??.." she held her mouth. Eyeing the door that leads to the true lab, she's been avoiding it for two days now "s-snap out of this Alphys! You caused this.. you need to face it." She cleared her throat, limping slowly to the door of the true lab. Every step she took, her heart beats faster and faster. She stood right in front of the door, hesitated, yet she clicked the pin as fast as she could before she changes her mind and cower away. Once the door opened, she dragged her feet inside.

"H-hello?" she switched her eyes to every corner, calling for whoever was there.

"Are you there..?" she knows it is there, but she hoped that was all just a dream. She tried to contain herself and creeps around the lab. It was a bit dark that prevented her to see things well, she thought to turn on the power but she feared she would get attacked when she lowers her guard. As she was passing through a corridor, she heard a hard sound of rustle behind her "w-who's there!" she turns around to the source, holding her glasses. Nothing was there, however, a drool fell down ahead of her. Her eyes grown wide as she raise her head up slowly, a horrifying creature  was staring at her.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" Alphys yelled in fear as she glided away from him. The creature immediately followed right after her barking deeply and repeatedly. A lot of voices inside one body. Alphys panted as she ran for it but seeing what ahead of her made her break her ran "sn...o.....wy..." a monster that looked like Snowdrake was crawling towards Alphys. Half her body is nearly melting off the other half, giving her a more amorphous form. Alphys looked behind her to the 6 legged  large canine and front to the crawling monster. She couldn't think of an option than opening the door right next to her and locking it. A loud voice of metal freaked her coming from the door. Those two monsters were trying to get in with force.
Alphys backs away in fear, she wants to call for help, she looked at her phone but she soon falter to the ground "I did this.. I knew the consequences, yet I did it! the power of determination exceeded my expectations! I don't have any right to call for help" her eyes welled up as tears fell down "I thought I could do it! no.. I believed that I can do it! that I would make everyone happy and proud of me.. that I—"


The noise were getting louder and louder, those monster are becoming more aggressive with each second.

"I'm sorry!! I'm really sorry, I did not know it would end like this!" Alphys held her tail in terror "I only injected the determination to a cells that I extracted from you! but effecting the original body doesn't make sense?!" she seeks for explanation, but that didn't last long.
A screeching sound startled her from behind, she wasn't alone in this room. There was another monster that looked like a bird with long neck and one eye with small wings. He was like a reaper bird that's going to reap her life any moment, he aims to peck on her damaging the floor, she dodged that "w-wait, please don't hurt me!"
The door flew open and the other monsters cornered Alphys on her spot. Her lips were trembling. This was the end, there was no way out. She closed her eyes shut before all of them jumped at her.
She waited to get bitten, pecked or maybe torn in pieces before she turn to dusts, but nothing happened. She was covering her eyes, slowly slid her hands down as she open her eyes. The scene made her open her mouth in shock. All the monsters were frightened on their spot. More like they were tamed right before her. She held her breath in disbelief.

"H-help us....."


"Please.. fix us"


They were calling for her help, while the canine monster whined in pain, Alphys drew a long sigh before she calms down "Listen.. I'm really sorry about what happened. You are all confused and lost.. I will explain everything, and I.. I promise you I will do the best I can." she reassures them, even with a fake promise. This was beyond her capabilities as she is alone in this "what would Dr Gaster do.." she thought for an answer. Only thing that she couldn't explain is what happened to those monsters who were suddenly tamed? she was relieved nonetheless.
In her eyes, she couldn't see what they saw. In those monsters eyes, they saw a black figure that guarded his little assistant in the last second, a purple glowing eyes he looked after her.

"What the hell happened when I left" Dr Gaster said while standing behind Alphys.

Dr Gaster POV:-

It took me a while to reach here, I was hoping I came sooner but I had a little problem with my teleportations. Every time I try to teleport I ended up in another place, I lost the track of underground and my unstable form doesn't support me at all. When I decided to come walking all the way to here, I kept glitching back by few steps and more.
Let's say it wasn't a pleasant travel.
I sighed, as I looked after my assistant who was about to get shredded away by those monsters. I came to realize that they sensed my magic aura, because they were looking at me which didn't make sense. I soon realized that they were a fallen monsters, and by that, it's not impossible for them not to see me. As they dust away, their body fades until they disappear from sight.

However, according to my beloved friend..

When the monster dies, they don't disappear, but rather they move on to the next world. Like a portal stands between the void and this reality. Basically, the state of these monsters lays between the two. They can see me, they can feel my magic. But I wonder if I can touch them?
Alphys was trying to calm them down, though they are so frightened to see me. I approached to one of them and rested my hand on him. He shivered slightly but soon regained his calm.
As I thought.. I can't touch them. Just like I can't touch any other objects at all. Bloody convenient.
I sighed as I proceed to follow Alphys with the fallen monsters, I will rely on her to get some data.

"D-Don't worry guys, I'll figure something out.. eventually." she said with zero confidence "h-hey what are you eating?"

"Hm?" I looked to the reaperbird who was chewing a fully grown plant from a pot, I eyed it for a while. It is just a normal plant. Or is it?

It wasn't a seconds until the monster glowed with shiny mint magic that covered the room.

"Vitae?! this is definitely Vitae!" no matter how long time passes I will always recognize this magic. How did it end up inside this pot?!
The vicious look in the reaperbird eye's faded and his body stabled. This is the power of Vitea magic.. does that mean Alphys injected determination cells that were actually corrupted by—

"Oh.... I see" things are becoming clear now. I've came up with two conclusions.

One, Alphys injected Chara's determination to those monsters. I believe she looked it through and realized his sudden growth of his virtue DT when he had a vice one. She thought that it would help on duplicating the human soul. Forcing the monster to accept the DT in order to break the barrier without killing another human. Clever but risky. I know you wouldn't take the risk.. that leaves to my second conclusion.

And that is... Alphys used a normal DT from the other six fallen humans. It is safe option and won't cause harm. However, for the monster to behave like this..

There must be third party involved in this.  I gritted my teeth, the fallen monsters backed away to my magic aura. I must contain myself..

"Could it be..." Alphys recalled something "nah.. it couldn't be. Why would she do that anyway" she stuttered in her laugh "never mind that, let's get going" she left with the fallen monsters.

Alphys wouldn't throw this precious magic in this pot..

I need to seek Frisk, but how long will it take me to catch up to her. I groaned, I need to remain by Alphys side for now.

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