Genocide Act 4 - Deserted resort

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Underground knew this place as the most shining area in Underground. The MTT resort lost its light. Electricity is barely shown in the MTT resort. The voices of monsters calling for help could be heard for few minutes before the cries vanish. And a pile of dust flies away.

A normal citizen monster would go to hide, keeping their life safe. Leaving their work and try to make sure their family is safe. Make sure they could live another day tomorrow.

Except.... Not all monsters share the same thoughts.

Inside the deserted resort, there was one monster who was standing behind his counter desk, waiting for any being to come in and order the same ol burger he got sick of making it. Usually, he would find the noise annoying and want to seek peace and quiet outside when it's his break times picking his ciggy.

This quiet though is unbearable and hateful. He himself can't understand why he is here while the others could use their brain and run away.

The moment of cold quiet is no longer, as someone makes her way to him. This new company ambling as she pleases, sitting on the chair with one leg over the other and a mechanic head was placed on the table.

"Hey there pants boy, give me whatever you have!" Frisk said, before remembering to add something "make it double!" she chuckles, pointing the other dish for the second dead company.

Mettaton's head.

Burgerpants cleared his throat, deep inside him he started to wonder if he has some kind of magnetic force towards the freaks and creeps. Because this human girl is freaky as fuck.

"ah....yes...." he said. Feeling bitter. He is too mad, too raged and above them all, too afraid.

It could be his head... but then he remembered, his head wouldn't last long enough as monsters dust away after a while.

Looking back at his boss's head, he was unsure if the human girl were mocking or being serious.

"Oh darn, I forgot she's long dead! Oh well, never mind me pantsy boy,"

The silence was his answer as he goes back to prepare the order for the creepy client. Flipping the burger until it gets well made and tries not to burn the whole thing out of fear from the person behind his back.

"wow, you are so boring... say something,"

"I-I'm not supposed to talk during my work..." he gulps. Frisk giggles to his answer, and points sarcastically at Mettaton's head "or what? Afraid she will fire you? Or shout at you? I bet it became a regular routine for you and asked you to work harder every day?" Frisk argued back, "She can't do that at this point," she said with a snigger.

Burgerpants shook his head lightly, Frisk tilts her head "hmm?"

"Well, Mettaton didn't tell me I HAD to work, I guess.... But that the thing!" he pauses to take the burger away and decors it with other ingredients "Sometimes she doesn't even call me to work until my shift! If I don't play it safe, she's going to yell at me."

Frisk yawns and looks at him with bored eyes. Ticking on the table she had nothing better to do at this moment.

"Okay, maybe 'yell' is the wrong term... it's more like she has this CD album she plays that's entirely full of songs about how bad I am at my job,"

"AHAHAHAHA!! Such a roasting woman, she enjoys humiliation a lot huh? Well sucks to be her," Frisk shrugs it off. Burgerpants placed the dish in front of Frisk's and she helped herself out.

"Don't you feel relieved that she's dead?"

"..................I have nothing to say."

Burgerpants found this conversation disturbing. The head of the boss lays dead in front of him, the other residents maybe dead as he speaks with this weirdo and at this point, he doesn't want to follow their fate.

"To be honest with you pantsy, I thought I wouldn't find a SOUL here.... but I was wrong," she looks at him eagerly to do something. That look on her face made his face sweats from worry.

"damn, this is good! Give me that sparkly thing too!" she said, ignoring him when she took the bite.

"That sparkly thing....?"

"The dessert!"


"say... how about I give you a little service? You were humiliated and bullied right? I mean duh, your name is Burgerpants so...."

Frisk wiped the BBQ sauce that made a little taint on the corner of her mouth and made a small grin to her proposal "How about I kill 'THEM' for you..?"

"DON'T!" slamming on the table, it was a few seconds courage that drove him to react like this.

"I.....mean.... don't. Please..."

"mhm... you do realize everyone is dead? You are not that idiot anyway... so you already know. Yet here you are, serving the person who is going to turn the whole Underground into hell." Frisk bites the last piece, her red eyes caught the sparkling glass Burgerpants finished preparing and placed it next to her empty dish. Her face beams to how good it looks and hopes that taste is as good.

"heheh.... I don't think it can get more hellish than that...."

Frisk eyed him with gambling eyes that made him regrets immediately what he said. She grabs the spoon and digs in the Starfait. A soft sound of satisfaction Frisk made after she swallowed her first bite.

"MMMM this is tasty Frisk! Is that why-" Frisk went to quiet when she looked behind her and found no one was there. Just Mettaton's head. And creeped out eyes from Burgerpants "lil weirdo...." He mumbles. She could hear him but she was too busy thinking about what made her say that. Out of frustration she high kicked Mettaton's head and sent it flying away from her sight.

"I lost my appetite," she said, turning her back "keep the change," she waves her hand in the air even when she didn't give him anything to begin with, his face twisted and wished to say something. But the wise answer is to remain silent.

After Frisk took her leave. The place went quiet again. Burgerpants dropped his sight down and thought for a while.

"Alone again......." he says. With a painful fake laugh and surpassing the urge to cry, looking at where the last time he saw Mettaton's head.

With voice full of sincerity, he apologized from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm sorry boss.... I'm not strong enough....."

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