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Frisk POV:-

As I was falling mid air, I closed my eyes shut, hoping my bones not to crack or maybe landing on a cute fluffy flowers would be nice.. This is my second time today to fall.

I felt I was being lifted, weird? I don't feel touched though.. I opened my eyes to see my soul floating in front of me while surrounded with blue magic "Sans!" He was beneath me raising his  hand putting me down slowly. "Frisk, you need to stop FALLING around sometimes" he winks playfully while shrugging. I snorted for his pun "Hey are you okay? Why didn't you answer?! You disappeared with Genzo" I shoot him a lot of questions while looking for any kind of injury he might gotten "oh...Turtuly fine!" He gazed at me with less spirited expression, but I suddenly remembered about Chara and Undyne, I looked up "Chara is in--"
"He will be fine, on the contrary.. You should worry about yourself" he rose his tone, looking at him his usual white led vanished.
He most likely meant about my death before my reset "I don't know how to say this but, I'm sorry about.. Throwing myself defending Chara" I lowered my head, my hair fell down from my shoulder. He jerked his head straight to me "you.." I felt the atmosphere tensed as he approached "You remember?! The time before it reset?" His voice was dry and deep, his eye socket were too wide "yes.. You see, it's my fault" I cleared my throat, he tilts his head trying to follow "Sans, every time I die the time reset to the last time I touch the shining star" he remained quite "I-I didn't know you could feel the reset.. Chara just told me about it recently.. He even asked me not to tell anyone but"

"You don't trust me?" His eyes were still blackout

"No no! Sans, it's not like this but.. Who would believe that anyway?!"

He tilits his head "I do, but hey.. Can I ask a favor from you" his grin grew

"Sure, anything!" I answered without hesitation "Can you give me your soul for a moment?" His eyes were nothing but black with a widest grin he shaped helding his hand to me to hand him my soul.

"Sure, anything!" I answered without hesitation "Can you give me your soul for a moment?" His eyes were nothing but black with a widest grin he shaped helding his hand to me to hand him my soul

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In the same time, up ahead Chara was facing Undyne

Chara POV:-

(( Chara come ooooonnnnnn you've killed her like I forgot the count anyway! Finish her already!))

"Only 6 we had collected thus far, with yours we can all be free" she kept telling me this story for a while even though I know about it ages ago, I still listened as she strikes me with her spear while I used the one she gave me before to reflect them.

"SCREW YOU JUST DIE ALREADY" she shot her spear behind me, I turned fast to reflect it then she shot another one above me, it went on for a while "You are standing in the way of everybody's hopes and dreams!" She yells as she suplexes a bolder.
I'll try to take Frisk route, I sighed as I Acted.
"Undyne, Please, I don't want to fight" I pleaded sincerely, because I knew killing is wrong and nothing would be gained when you hurt the others. She pounds the ground with her fist "You don't want to fight... That's what the monsters said 700 years ago" glared as she clenched her fist and she summoned more spears striking towards me, I barely reflected them all they were more aggressive than usual "Undyne, you are a warrior not a killer.. Take it from me.. Please" I pleaded again. But nothing happened.

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