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Frisk POV

I took a big inhale and push it all out..
Wow his axe is really something! I tried to joke to myself.. But it's not the good time for it.
When I die, the pain is unbearable.. It's like the last pain had to be this sorrowful.

I opened my eyes to study my environment..
"The same place I was before" it's all pitch black, darkness.. Not a single ray of light.. But I still could see my hands and body.. I was floating in a middle of.. No where.
I'm not planning to go back.. I glanced at my soul that floats in front of me as well.. The glow seemed to dim..

I pulled my legs to my chest wrapping my arms around it..
I'm such a burden... Fooling my self that I would make everyone happy..
And all I did is causing them problems and pain.
They don't deserve this..

"They are better off without me"

My soul keeps dimming.. It stopped being red and instead it became grayish.

"I am better off being dead"

I held my legs tight.. Tears flooding to my cheeks ..

So useless.. So pathetic... Powerless..

"I'm bothering them all just being alive"

I'm sorry everyone.. Guess we can't hang out anymore.

I bite my lips trying to silence my hopeless sobbing.

"It's okay Frisk.. I'm fine" I lied to myself

I closed my eyes .. Drowning with my depressing emotions.
I felt something poked my legs .. I opened my eyes and saw..

"Butterfly..?" I stared at this white butterfly she was so white like the snow..
It reminded me of Snowdin's snow.
Then another butterfly flew towards me "huh?"
They kept coming and flying around me fluttering their white wings without making a sound.
I remembered suddenly
"I came here because of you"
They kept flying and coming from a cracked space above me.. I hanged my head to look at it while they kept marching out.

"I came to the underground because of you.. Butterflies"

They swirled around me turning the place from dark to light.

"I was being chased.. But then you guys lead me the way to here.. Why? If you never show me the way they would all be fine and happy" I sobbed hard

"No they wouldn't" a butterfly voice spoke


"Yes Frisk" one butterfly spoke

"We lead you here" the other added

"They need you Frisk!" Different butterfly said

They kept talking randomly

I gave a fake smile shaking my head "They don't.. They are chasing me away.. Funny to be chased by the surface and here.. And I thought I finally found a place I can call home"

My grayish soul started to crack.. I heard them calling out my name repeatedly..

"Sweetheart" a mature lady voice spoke.. I looked around but couldn't find the source.. The rest of them remained quite when she spoke.

"Listen to what I will say.. And the choice is yours sweetheart"

I wiped my tears and sniffed a bit.. Her voice sent warmth and secure to my heart

"The monsters nation have suffered injustice for so many years .. More than 700 years sweetheart.. All the monsters are in deep pain you see"

I saw a ray of light coming from that crack .. Her voice came from there.

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