Alphys's fears

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Depressed is the result of over thinking..
The mind creates problem
That didn't even exist.


Alphys POV:-

How could that be?! Who dares to break in my lab! I tried to run as fast as my small legs could go when I heard my security alarm beeb from my phone.
Once I reached my lab I hurried to the first important thing to check, a very secured door with a pin tablet behind it.
"Phew!" I let a comfortable exhale out, it's still secured and no one broke it.. Yet.
"Whoever it was, they didn't try to break the code.. But they were trying to enter forcibly with magic" I rest my cheek on my palm while thinking.

I walked into my desk, my computer and looked through them all!
Everything is on its place.. Nothing missing.. Nothing seemed to be out of place.

But this thought alone causing me to panic.
A whirlwind filled with pressure started to from inside my head, Whoever they are, they wanted this room specially.. Who are they? How much do they know?? What's their goal?!

Until I sensed a hand that held my shoulder.
"AAAH!!" I yelled while jumping from fright, but the hand held me tight "Alphys?? Darling what's with you?!"
"M-Mettaton.. It was you" I sighed holding my lab coat, I thought I was a goner.
"I called you many times but you wouldn't answer.. That's unlike you" she crosses her hands with her TV face, I could tell she was staring at me waiting for me to talk.
"It-It's nothing!" My tone was wavy but I hoped raising my volume was enough to make her believe me.
She rolled over slowly to a closest chair and sat down "If you say so" she said.

I don't like people worrying about me, even when I'm troubled I rather keep it for myself.. It's my job. I tell them it's ok and everything is fine.
But honestly.... Everything is not fine at all.
Most of my times go either working and mostly sleeping.. My body aches and my dull face can tell how weary I'm feeling per second that passes. I try to avoid those people and my responsibility by going to the garbage dumb.

The garbage dumb.. A good place for a garbage like me.
Until I find out about animes and these awesome comic and books... I told myself, how lucky the humans are with all these?
These things made me able to smile again.. To look forward of something even if it was fake.
A way to run from this miserable reality...
A way to forget. Even if it was temporary... It suffices.

I looked back at Mettaton who was awkwardly quite than her usual "Say.. I thought you would be using your new version body that I made for you... Weren't you looking forward to use it ?" I asked her, since she was been waiting for ages for her body dream, I was able to fulfill my promise like two weeks ago but she's still on her prototype version.

"I do darling but" she paused "I want to use it in a very flashy, dramatic way! I'm thinking of a great show to do so" she sighs.

"I-I see" I reached for my anime DVD roof from my cabinet, I did my work and the rest is up to him. I smiled while I pulled few DVDs I'm thinking to show Frisk next time! It feels nice to know someone who shares the same interests.

"Darling.. Did you know the humans are residing at my resort?"

The DVDs I was holding fell down making a noise -crash!-
"A-aa?! I-I didn't know that" I leaned to take the DVDs back, this is impossible she just reached Hotland! Probably she got help from Sans. Thinking about him made me clear my drying throat.

"And what are you gonna do about it?" She jumps from the chair and rolls to me, I don't like where this is going.

"Um.. Am I supposed to do something about it?" I adjusted my neck coat as I avoided looking at her.

"Darling? Really? Aren't you the royal scientists who created a human killer machine" she points herself.
I looked left.... Then right.. Then back.
"Umm... Yeah?" I gave a half smile.
I never thought a human would pass that far so I've never worried even the slightest worry that I might encounter one or have to deal with one.
But... I disliked the idea of Taking Frisk soul.. I mean she's interesting.
Maybe... I Think of her as a friend...?
Does... She think the same though?

Ah.. I'm feeling depressed again.. And sulky.
"Never Mind, I'll see what I can do about it" Mettaton declares. I snapped from my thoughts and glanced at her "I have a very flashy fascinating idea darling! So rest assure" she walks away.

The lab got quite again.....
Am I supposed to do something..?
I sighed as I moved to the secured door "For now.. I can't decide anything" I clicked the code, the door opened and closed behind me.


Mettaton POV:-

Alphys darling is so timid and weak to do anything..
She made it this far and helped on creating my ideal body so I could feel myself.
For this, I will do everything and cease the humans any possible way. I looked at my wheel one leg and my boxed body. I can't wait to fascinate them with my new body that my fantasies ever could think of!


Oh yes!
Yes yes yes! That's it!
The great flashy dramatic way to do this! I will need the humans in this show... And for the sake of my rating of course. I let a soft giggle out, I'm overwhelmed with excitement!

"Enjoy your stays darlings... It will be the last thing you would do before I make you pay for it"

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