Behind the creepy laugh

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"How did you know that he was kidnapped?" Chara asked Alphys after running all the way to her laboratory "uh yes, look here" she showed them both a screen that rolled back for a couple of time until Sans was revealed. "Over there"

The video played, it showed Sans when he teleported in then froze on his spot looking around confused. He vanished instantly without a trace leaving behind his mobile phone. It was too fast to follow what just happened.
"How..?" Frisk felt dizzy trying to follow "How could the camera didn't manage to trace what just happened?" Chara questions Alphys "it's not a HQ camera rather.. it's ch-cheep" Alphys scratched her neck embarrassed. Worst thing just happened to unexpected area that Alphys thought it was unnecessary to focus on.
"But how do you know he's being kidnapped?" Chara asked
"Are you pointing that he might used teleportation again?" Frisk understood his point and he nods for that "w-well.." Alphys replayed the video again and paused the moment he disappeared "you see there?" she points on the screen "this is totally kidnapping" Frisk finally convinced, there was indistinct hands that were grabbing him. It was barely visible "let's go there, do you know where this is?" Chara made up his mind, Alphys was happy to hear that he would help "third floor in hotland, just before the core".

Both of them launched there without a second thought.

Thereafter, reaching the third floor. Chara walked in a straight line while Frisk was slowing down checking the place, she hasn't been here before, probably she didn't stand the heat "Why is it getting darker?" Frisk cleared her mouth, Chara lifted his arm guarding her from passing "Stay cautious, I think we are close"

'Thayer, do you see anything?' she looked at him spacing out (( Hmm... maybe )) he grins mischievously, Frisk rose her eyebrow 'Where? what is it??" Frisk turned her head left and right but the place was empty. Just a straight road leading the core ahead.

(( Look down )) he hints, and she did "S-Sans's phone!"'she kneeled down to pick it up and suddenly fell down as her legs raised up "Charaaaaa!!" she cries, a web stabilized her movements and threw her to a huge spider web up ahead.
"What the heck..." Chara was fallen short for what happened as he looks up, the whole place were filled with spider webs "Frisk!... is that Sans?" he narrowed his eyes when he saw a fully wrapped figure "yo, what you guys doing here?" a sweat fell down from the top of his skull.
"What do you mean what are we doing here! Alphys saw you were in trouble and informed us" Frisk said as she tries to break her body free, Sans glanced at her "Alphys did?? is she okay? actually, are you alright??"
"Yeah, I just need to free my body from this.. agh, what is this made from?"

(( Spiders... duh AHAHAH ))

'Thayer, you saw this through didn't you' Frisk eyed him.

(( Oh crap, nap time ))

"Don't move, the more you struggle the harder it gets" Chara calmed her down. He thought for a crazy idea but there wasn't any other solution than this. He took a long inhale and sprinted as fast as he could jumping to the closest spider web as he caught in.
"Chara no!" Frisk saw him.
"Welp, this is kinda a STICKY situation we have here" Sans chuckles.
"I want a refund for my concern.." Chara rolled his eyes. He climbed the web one hand after the other all the way up. Frisk suddenly felt a cold chill behind her back, she held her breath in "Don't look so blue, my deary~... I think purple is a better look on you!" a stranger voice said behind Frisk with a creepy laugh, Frisk's soul floated in front of her turning purple. The whole spider webs turned purple "darn" Chara gritted his teeth to this problematic monster. He was hopping he could get out of here with everyone without encountering her. Frisk shuddered in fear before the stranger lady revealed herself to her.
She was a spider girl with a lavender skin, Frisk stared at her five red eyes then to her 6 arms. Two of her hands were holding  a tea cups and the other two were holding tea pots. Frisk's fear decreased when she observed her features more. This monster lady looks cute on her red outfit with pantaloons at her bottom. Add to that a neat looking ribbon attached to her neck.
"Don't touch her!" Chara warns.
"Ahuhuhu, try me" the spider girl said and turned to Frisk "Do you know how long it took me just to being you both here?" She asks, Frisk tilits her head "You humans have never came this path! have you even thought about it??" she was sobbing "Never heard of Muffet's spider bakery? or maybe you did but you are too stingy with your money" she said crossing one pair of her hands, Frisk shook her head disagreeing "We never did! honest!"
"Is that so hmm? how about humans hating spiders? stomping them and tearing their legs off?!" Her red five eyes narrowed as she raise her tone "I don't hate spiders nor do such things to them" Frisk insisted as she buy time for Chara to draw closer. He passed Sans who mumbled "fine.. I'm too wrapped up in this predicament anyway". Muffet noticed a fuzz and looked back "you just had to say that" Chara tsks "What are you talking about deary~? the moment you laid your legs here is the moment you all are DONE" she claps for her spiders to spread around jumping towards Chara who avoided them jumping away. Muffet lowered her level down to Chara's level upside down with a web she made "Why so pale? you should be proud~" she giggles "proud that you are going to make a delicious cake!" she turned Chara's soul purple as well. Being stuck on the web below him "let her go!" Chara grits his teeth, he could finish her off immediately but he made a promise.

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