Her vow with unusual friend

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Frisk POV:-

It was such a lovely, warm and nice sensation... To be able to be that close to him and sleep on his chest, I don't want to wake up.. I want to stay like this forever. It was embarrassing thought but it was the truth too...

I'm filled with happiness... but it soon to be vanished.

... Why is it cold suddenly? I murmured in annoyance, the warmth of his body became cold, the soft of his skin became hard. I moved my hand to check his chest.. But there was nothing but a cold floor!
What's wrong?!
I opened my eyes slowly.. I was no longer on the bed with Chara....!
My eyes grew wide open.. I'm...at the ruins?!

I... I....I...!!

Am I dreaming??!! Did I die?! I pinched my hand hard this is not a joke it hurts but I remembered I can still feel pain in my dreams. I really hope I'm dreaming.
I tried taking few breaths out and in, to calm down.. If I panicked My brain won't process and I will mess everything up. I calmed little, but the atmosphere didn't help. It was terrifyingly quite.. Not a single sound, only the sound of my heartbeats and my slow breathes became too audible to me.
I stood up "I.. Will check Mom" the first thing I thought I should do, so I moved forward. But as I walked I couldn't Couldn't find Froggit
Or even Whimsun!

Where are they?? My worry grew each time I remember them one by one "please be okay" I clenched my fist and picked my pace.

Creeetch.... Screetch....Scrrrrrrrt

I froze suddenly.. The place became more chilly as Snowdin... The change of atmosphere didn't make sense..! And a new sound.. A slashing sounds; as if someone scratching something sharp. I walked slowly.. Blood pressure never failed to raise to the top of my head. my face was stinging.. I kinda figured who would it be. The sound came from that candy plated room.. The place where there was so many slashes on the walls. I swallowed and tried to pass this room, to pass him, that nightmare. Knowing where this will go people would be crazy to walk to their own death. I don't want him to touter me again! So I will skip him.

I tried to move my legs fast but... It didn't move, it refused to move! How can't I have the power to control my own legs??
My legs started to move on its own.. Back to that room.
Oh no oh no oh no please no no no.... Please no not there!!
I tried to back away, but it was as if some giant hand kept pushing me to that room.
Pushing me to my death and misery.
So now.. I can't even move my own body to run... I felt myself being lame.. I gave up and walked into the room by my own.

I saw his figure... Chara's figure again.. His back was bending down hard holding a knife scratching the floor. I paused looking at him, thinking what to act and what should I do.
"H-hello" I squeaked my voice, hoping he doesn't reply my greetings with a stab or so.
He didn't budge, he knew I was here.. He knew we would meet "took you long enough, doll" he wakes up from the floor clenching his knife, he walked fast to me I closed my eyes.
Please don't stab please don't stab please it hurts.
But He took both of my hand and shoved me to the wall. -whack!- he wasn't gentle at all, he was mad and I know why.
"I warned you" he threw the knife he was holding to aim next to me, if he moved an inch it would hit my right arm.
"I killed you" another knife appeared from his left hand and threw it to the other side of the previous one. I didn't dare to move, not a single move.. I looked at him with bugged eyes and shivering lips.
"I told you to mind your own business. But no dear little Frisk wants to be damn RISKY" he rose his tone which doesn't feel Chara's voice at all.. more like a possessed voice.
He brushed his face with a sigh, I was sitting there on the floor two knives behind me thinking the third one won't be missed this time.
He finally then looks at me with a smile "Can't lie to to you though" he took few steps pulled me from my spot holding me tight "It's fun playing with you" he grins.

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