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Frisk POV
As I opened my eyes I noticed that I was laying on a couch.. Not sure whose house it is? I looked around. I saw the tub of water and the towel at the top of my forehead.. Chara looked after me.. My cheeks turned red for this thought. I pulled my legs and placed them on the floor , I felt a bit dizzy
I shivered for a moment then I saw Papayrus bashing inside "HUMAN ARE YOU OKAY?!" He held my shoulders checking on me even though I felt off balance but I nodded "YOU MUST BE HUNGRY LET ME MAKE SOME SPAGHETTI FOR YOU! YOU WONT RESIST THE TASTE" he claimed, I smiled "Th-thank you!"

Chara POV:-
He took me far away from Snowdin, I know already what he will ask I was prepared for that "The timeline was reset.. Do you know anything about it" he shoot at me with his black out eyes I shook "It's true, I felt the reset but I thought it had something to do with your machine, wasn't it?" I gazed his face to make me look like I'm confidence.
(YOU DIRTY LIER HAHAHA!!!!!) the shadow commented
"No.. Don't be silly.." Sans finally answered "You know already it's  broken"
I didn't say anything.. Just tilted my head thinking.
"Whatever it is, I'll find out sooner or later" it looked like he was accusing me more than a random comment.
I tried to change the topic, "About Frisk now, are you gonna help?" I rolled my eyes and rest my back on the nearest tree, "Well.. I think I have an idea or two for her if she's really serious about living here" he rubbed his head and looked at Snowdin "She must earn repetaition before moving forward"
"And that would be by..?"
"Part time jobs"
I looked at his stupid trashbag face with his usual smirk that pissis me off sometimes
"Say again?"
"Yep" he nodded "how will that help!" I shouted this is no time for his jokes and games! "Truuuust me this is my town, and she should just help the people around her and change their perspectives" he explained , "She can start with Grillby, he need an assistant" he sharped his smirk.. That face is up to something not good .. I sighed giving up, "Whatever, as long as no body kill her or take her to custody"
"Yeaah well I'm late on my shift, laters punk" he snapped his finger then disappeared.
One of his shortcuts huh.. Oh well, I'll head back for now I believe Frisk should be awake by now.

Sans POV:-

I decided to check on Papayrus, I dislike the fact him being around any humans.. Even though Frisk is different.. Yet I still worry. I appeared next to the door of my house thanks to my shortcut, I opened the door and shifted my eyes to the couch. She's not here.. For a moment I could feel my heart beat stop until I heard a sound at the kitchen I moved there and found them both cooking. My eyes sticked on Frisk's clothes, when did she get my t shirt? "Ah-um sorry about this Sans, Papayrus insisted since my previous  cloth not in a good shape" I sneaked a red faint on her cheeks, I shrugged not like I mind.. She looked cute..
"Be my guest.. Shouldn't you rest though?" I was concerned, she needed to rest,she nodded as she was stirring the pot that layed on the cooker Papayrus was analyzing her steps "and that's how you can cook it the right way awesome Papayrus!" She looked at him with a smile "WOWI HUMAN YOU MEET ALL MY STANDARDS!" She giggled to his comment , I sighed in relief "Guess it's lunch time" I stated.

Frisk POV:-
Sans left the kitchen while me and Papayrus remained to prepare the dishes, I was walking slowly as I still didn't regain my full health
-door slams-
I wish they stop slamming the door.. What's wrong if they just knock?!
A sound of footsteps reached the kitchen. "H-Hi Chara! Lunch will be ready" I took the pot and put it on the table. He peeped at my appearance from up to down, I turned my head.. Is it that weird?! He approached behind me laying his hand on my left shoulder and checking the sphagatti, "Smells good" he stated. I squeezed my eyes shut, my heart beat is racing So I decided to take the pot and move away "Frisk.." He called me, I turned my face in confusion, he took the pot and placed his hand on my forehead moving my tail-hair to the top to feel my skin "You are red.. You shouldn't move" I just nodded and went to sit on the chair next to where Sans was sitting, he put his left palm hand on his bony cheek and looked at me in a weird way "w-what?!" I asked without looking at him "nothing, didn't say anything" he shutted his eyes.
Chara and Papayrus came with the food, Chara sat front of me next to Papayrus and we all enjoyed the meal together.
"This is the first time this sphagatti taste better" Sans commented and devoured all of his dish.  "THANKS TO THE FIRST HUMAN I WILL SHOW UNDYNE HOW BETTER I BECAME!"
I chuckled "You can call me Frisk, Papayrus, and is it your friend?"
Sans interrupted "Someone you shouldn't know like never lol for now, anyway I heard you want to settle at underground yeah?" He was playing with the fork around his fingers, I looked at Chara who was eating calmly without commenting. "Yeah the kid informed me about it, I can help you on that though"
I was happy that no one besides Chara minded at all, and Papayrus was more excited than I am "I would love to Sans!" He noticed how happy I was and widened his smirk
"Great.. Because I have a plan and it will take a while"
I accept the challenge.. And filled with determination!

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