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"We loved, lived, and shared unforgettable memories together. My life was taken from me and I did not find peace."



She was never in her life angry at someone that she dearly thought so high about.

Her legs were sprinting, as much as she can, all the way to stop him, to wake him up, to remind him.

That he was good. That he could be good again. That he can stop this genocide and start over. Only if he wanted to.

Using both of her hands she pushed the doors open, to that horrific place. There he was walking until he heard her slamming the doors wide open.

"Chara!! Stop this!" she yells with knitted eyebrows, so mad and upset. Yet the smile on his face widened when his red eyes met hers.

"Greetings! Missed me already?" he changes his direction and crosses the Judgment hall towards the girl, so delighted to see her. Her expression face didn't share his mutual enthusiasm.

She put herself on guard, afraid that he might change his mind and kill her like the others when he tried to raise his other hand. He flinched his hand away when he witnessed her quick motion and somewhat that little smile of his went down.

"I told you, didn't I? I won't kill you..." he chuckles, his cheeks turning red from the blood rush, finding her reaction rather cute.

"Chara please stop this! This isn't like you.. they are your friends!"

He slithers both his hand to her neck up to her chin and cheek, she turns her face away in disgust as his lips touch his ears slightly "I won't stop until I kill them all. Then I'll be back" his breath brushed her ear gently causing her a slight shiver.

She completely froze on her place, unable to do a thing. Couldn't stop him, he walks away. She had to do something! Chara... Chara is leaving, he won't stop~~

But she couldn't do a thing.

She fell on her knees, weeping to how weak she was. Clenching tight to the red scarf, covering her face with it and holding her body that was being warmed up by Sans's jacket. She tried to stay determined.





Frisk P.O.V:-


"Another nightmare...."

My eyes opened, it was smoky. I wasn't startled by this nightmare since it wasn't my first and I'm sure it won't be the last.

I drew a long sigh, laying my eyes on the tick toking clock that is hanged on the wall. It's midnight. Sans sure is kind enough to lend me his room to use freely and to lay on his bed as if it was mine.

I moped to leave the room and looked down to where he usually was.

Sans was on the couch, not sleeping again. Watching T.V this late. He felt my presence as he turned his face back to check before he gives me a soft smile.

"Couldn't sleep well again? care to join?" he taps to the empty spot next to him. I'd say he was expecting my insomnia nights.


Don't know what's going on.

Don't know what went wrong.

Feels like a hundred years I still can't believe you're gone.

I'm staying up all the nights that caused me these bloodshot eyes.

While these walls surround me, and my friends are here by my side.

How long has it been since the last time I've seen you and lost you in Judgment hall? Sans brought me to safety and the next time he tried to rush and teleport back to where you were supposed to. You weren't there!

Leaving a trace of blood that you have lost because of me... because of my foolishness.... Because of my carelessness...

Undyne and Genzo were half beaten by mom who misunderstood the whole situation. So now I'm staying up and sulking for few days in the skeleton's house..

Sans and Papayrus are so kind to me. I can't thank them enough. What I'm doing now is rude but this heartache is unbearable. I hear them talking, Papayrus being Papayrus, making me more amount of spaghetti in order to make me feel better. Sans was trying to be punnier than he used to and even made his own notebook of jokes and puns. My friends were making great efforts just to lighten me up.

Hard to cheer up and forget about everything. I still remember how Chara looked at me with his eyes, telling me goodbye. That I need to move on, that he must not be found.

Nothing happened at all, every day was a peaceful day. Though my heart, on the other hand, is chaotic and in a big mess.

I was laying down carefreely on the couch, using Sans's lap as my pillow. He didn't mind at all and instead, he gently stroked my hair. It sent calmness into my broken heart.

Undyne, Alphys, Genzo and the others didn't stay in their places and they regularly kept checking on me. Sometimes Sans would take me to stay with mom and he would even stop by for hours before he goes back to Snowdin. Then come by the next day to take me for a change.

"you stopped going to Grillby.... That's no good," I tried to convince him to stop worrying and that I will be fine. I don't want to be a burden to others because of how down I'm feeling, but like a skeleton who doesn't have ears shrugged at my effort to make him go back to his usual life.

"You matter the most kiddo... you matter the most,"

I slow down, looking down all flushed to the amount of care and love. Sadly, no matter what... nothing can make me forget about him.

Until that day.

I had a dream. This time, it wasn't a nightmare.

No, it was more like a vision... a visitor.

A lady with her enormous wings. Her voice I recognize a lot and find it familiar.

She was sad, her emerald eyes reflected sadness. She only made that sad gaze the moment our eyes met.

((Frisk... you must go to the King..))

That was the only thing she said. Without explanation, without adding anything else. Strange that her voice soothed my heart and I just smiled at her in return and nodded, without questioning, without that cliché routine of trying to get answers.

That's because first, I trust her a lot. She was my guidance and her butterflies woke me up from that dream that day.

Second... I have never paid my visit to the King. That's rude of me. I must introduce myself properly and announce my existence to him. Expose my determination of what I truly want.

I got back to my feet and made a new promise with Sans.

"Sans... no matter what happens, don't worry okay? Everything will be fine"

I hushed him for any excuse he tried to make after he listened about my desire to pay a visit to the King.

"It's about time, don't you think?" I added, couldn't tell him about the vision. His eyelids narrowed, still opposing to what I'm about to do but I won't stop now.

Maybe just maybe...

I would find Chara there.

I reached for the DT star, one that I found close to the King's castle.

((The tale is getting near to its end, to better or worse. You are filled with determination))

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