"Knock Knock"

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"Knock knock" a knocking sound from the other side.

Frisk not being reasonable actually comment "who's there? Questionably

A momment of silence from the other side .. Was it her imaginations?

"Zanny" the stranger finally replied
"Umm zanny who..?" Frisk rose her eyebrow
"Zanny one home?"
"Pffft" Frisk laughed joyfully and continued
Frisk: my turn! Knock knock
???: cool, who's there?
Frisk: Hatch
???: Hatch who?
Frisk : God bless you!
They both laughed
"Haha nice one kiddo, didn't see it coming" He snickered
Then they went on for a while with tons of silly jokes but both of them found it humerus.
Until Frisk gave up and started yawning "No no you won't I was just warming up till now kiddo" he claimed challengingly
Frisk replied "Ah sorry I had hard time sleeping and your jokes cheered me up.. Thank you" , "Well, I was just practicing here conceidntly. Didn't know someone still live here" he inspected "oh I live here with mom and I have few friends around"
"Well, I'm Sans the skeleton. Kinda weird we went talking for a while without knowing your name now"
"Oh my bad! Bad habit of me, I'm Frisk" she covered her face that's like the second time she forget interducing. "Nice knowing ya Frisk, maybe we can chat again sometime yeah?" Frisk stood up "Of Course! Gladly, well good night Sans!" And went back to her room.
Sans was still on his spot... "Yeah... Good night kid" stood up and thought "Never knew there are some interesting monsters around here" delightfully , little he knew that our dear Frisk no more than an ordinary human being.

(Frisk point of view)

That was fun.. I feel really sleepy now I walked my way back to my room overlooking the worries that been bothering me the whole night. As I entered my room and laid down at the bed, I shoved myself inside the covers and slept a peaceful sleep.
I had the weirdest dream which was kinda realistic to me but I have zero knowledge how things work magically in underground.
Chara was besides me we were both sitting on the flowerbed place where I First encountered him. "You should stop searching for me idiot " he looked at me with a strict gaze. "How could you say that I was worried! And why do you always disappear Chara.. Am I a big bother to you?" He turned his head and shook "No, don't take it personal Frisk.. I'm doing this to protect you". I never seem to understand his hints and the way he thinks.. But I know the fact that there's something he's hiding from me. "Please.. Stop hiding and tell me what's wrong" I insisted, no matter what is it I want to help him to be there for him .. After All Chara is my first friend and the one who helped me to reach this far.
He remained silence nonetheless... "Let me think about it" he finally replayed barely audible.
I held both his hands " Whatever it is Chara I'm your friend.. I'll be here if you need me whenever wherever" I said joyfully. "Though I know this is a dream" I finished.
He looked at me oddly then smirked playfully "What?" I questioned
"This is not a dream.. Well basically you are sleeping but our soul kinda in telepath state" he explains. "Ehhhhh!" I covered my face in a surprise "but but how's that impossible!?"
He suddenly stood up and came closer to me facing me, Chara is actually taller than me his neck reaches to my head so I had to rise my face to see him. "Impossible? You are underground a place where monsters been living for years and use magic normally .. Plus you've been seeing that glowing thing" he reminded me "Oh that what is it anyway?". "That's your determination power, for us humans we can't use magic but we have in return determination that exceeds theirs". My determination power...? It's kinda true since every time I touch it I feel determined on every step I make "however" he said walking past me "each one's determination differs from human to another .. So I don't know which power you possess .. Put that in mind Frisk, let no one at all know about your determination power." He turned around to look at me "Why? And where are you going?" I tried stepping towards him but I can't seem to reach him I feel too heavy to move "It will be morning soon your soul is returning to your body"
"But I still need to know more! When can I meet you" I tried my best to move my legs but it was no use. He sighed turned his back to me " I will give you my answer .. Until then u must proceed your path"
My vision went blurry, but I still heard his words echoing my ears "wake up!.. You are the future of humans and monsters"
I snapped my eyes opened

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now