The truth ( Frisk )

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I've been living with mom now for few days, after I had that dream of Chara and what he said. I didn't see him again after that time.. But every night Just before I wake up I always hear him say the same thing over and over "wake up!.. You are the future of humans and monsters"
I couldn't understand what was he pointing at so I searched for a few books at mom's shelf, and all I know is that the humans declared the war against monsters  and won, trapping the monsters here... underground and the king called it "home" -giggled- not much of a name but it's still nice... I even tried to ask mom indirectly but I guess she knew and just changed the topic. However, after that day when  I went to the basement and met Sans, I tried to hang out again at the next day afternoon, but Mom spotted me telling me to stay away from this place and play outside instead. I thought she would be mad if she knew that I already went there and met Sans.. Not physically  but still, so every midnight I sneak downstairs and meet him,surprisingly he always seems to be there!
We keep telling jokes and hilarious puns! Even mom loves those puns we made ( me and sans ). And other times he talks about his brother Papayrus , how awesome and passionate every time he makes a sphagatti. I really wish to meet him! And maybe try his sphagatti for a change I once said that to him "He would absolutely like you, so why don't you come out?"'he asked me , "I don't think mom want me out of here.. " I thought hesitantly. I wonder why and to be honest, I'm afraid to ask at this point.
At my free times I kept hanging around mom doing everything together! I love her smile and I want her to keep smiling. And at other times I stroll around hopping to encounter Chara but that was hopeless case too "I'll just wait him" I decided.
And kept my stay here for days.. I could say I never felt happier than I am now.
Just as I took off my t shirt getting ready to take a bath .. I heard the door close behind me.

 I heard the door close behind me

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I turned around to check... "No one..?"  I stepped and opened the door "mom?" I yelled
"I'm at the kitchen my child, Do you need something?" She yelled back "I'm fine, I'll just take a shower be right back mom!" I closed the door .. Just imagination another excuse, I walked slowly  straight to the cabinet  as I was about to open the shelf My both hands got wrapped by someone's hand pushing me toward the wall and pressing my mouth to silence my shouts. "Umh!" My eyes widened, I wanted to struggle and move my hands but they were held tightly. "Do you know what I really hate...? Liars Frisk" Chara staggered me in an awkward position .. I was covering my self in a towel. I prayed that he never notices my body marks. Chara was different.. He was smiling but his eyes  was striking me with his if he was starring right through of me , and his hand was twitching , he finally released his hand from my mouth but still tying my hands "explain now Frisk, you better don't lie" "e-explain what?! What's wrong Chara" I averted my eyes to the other side, he rose my face towards him from my chin "Humans come here for a reason Frisk .. And trust me when I say they don't just -get lost- and fall here mistakingly ... You didn't lose your memory in the first place". "Wh-what are you .." He interrupted " you still wanna lie huh" then he pushed me to the bed causing my towel to fall, I could feel his silent gasping at my back. I .. Couldn't talk .. I grabbed the bed sheet tight and started weeping, it's not fair .. Not fair that I wanted him to be honest with me while I was untruthful. I felt him approaching me slowly , I covered my face I was too afraid to think what he will say or do at this point .. Then I felt his a warm cloth covering me. It was his shirt, I turned to look at him this time I gasped "Chara...." He was showing me his back.. And it was beyond what I imagined. His injuries was nothing close to what I have, these are not an injuries made from abuse .. It was a torture. I couldn't stand seeing it and just lowered my face "Im really sorry.. " my apologies meant nothing but I just had to "You have nothing to apologize for.. And we are even now" he came closer to me and sat next to me. "Frisk you had an option a choice.. You came here because you Wanted to run from whatever it is.. To hide as if it was your answer and solution for whatever problem you have" , I swallowed, "as for me .. I didn't come here willingly" he ended. I don't know what to say .. "Chara.. I don't want to leave underground" I said it and fear covered me I know he won't like my decision for some reason. He looked at me carefully as he was studying my movements before he said anything to me "sure" he finally said "eh what?" That's not what I expected
"What? You don't want to leave so why would I chase you out? Remember I offered my help because I thought you want to leave this place" he smirked madly and I could see his eye twitching. "Sorry about that..." I covered my self like a sushi roll with my sheets and stretched my arm to hand him his shirt .. Couldn't keep staring at him topless "never mind that.. But you have something to do to achieve what you desire Frisk" he took his shirt and wore it while he headed towards the door, I don't think mom knows someone here otherwise well.. I don't wanna think what might happen. "What is it?" I asked, "We must postpone our conversation  here for now, meet me after two hours outside I'll wait you" then he opened the door slowly and went away, I followed him to see he already disappeared.. "That was fast.. And I was worried mom would spot him" I sigh in relief.
"Friiiiisk my dear dinner is ready" mom yelled "ehhh In few minutes mom"  then went to take a quick bath.

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