Hide and Seek

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"He is a lier. He has his games. His clever tricks. Everyone falls into his trap. I did, too..."


Frisk POV:


My head hurts me so bad. Even with the snow that covers my face, I fainted. And within my consciousness, someone was shaking me and pleading me to wake up.

"Frisk!! Frisk please I beg you wake up!"

The voice was new to my ears. But his worried tone brought my vision back as I open my eyes slowly, it was still blurry.

"Frisk please we need to run!"

"w-who...." I asked with a weak tone. Thankfully he heard me.

"That doesn't matter now! We have to run! NOW!"

He supports me to stand up, and when my vision came back to me slowly, I was shocked to see who he was.

It was a small goat boy. Wearing a green sweater with a yellow thick strip. Just like Chara's and he look exactly like his brother.

"Are you Asr-"


"h-he's here! RUN!" the goat boy panicked and didn't wait as he pulls me from my wrist and force me to run along with him.

((You fucking traitor, you don't learn, do you?))

That voice... it was Thayer, I looked back and he was standing with a lustful aura of killing. There were black shadows surrounding him that I couldn't take a good glimpse at.

"Watch where you are running!" the goat warned me after I was about to trip.

I heard him yell ((TICK TOK TIK TOK, YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!)) and laughed until we were too far from him.

"I think we lost him!"

"No! not here! we can never lose him here! we have to go to the throne room!" the goat boy shook his head, still holding my hand tight. I took a look around and it was at the beginning point of the Underground. The RUINS. We entered mom's house but she wasn't here. Now thinking about it, there was not a single monster here at all!

"What is this place?"

"A mirror reflection for Underground, it's his world," the goat boy didn't take a break as he climbs down to the stairs and runs all the way to the exit of the RUINS. The gate of Snowdin.

"How do you know about him?! And if it is his world doesn't that mean we are not safe everywhere? And who are you-"

"FRISK!" he shouts at me as he holds my arms.

"Listen to me! Please trust me! I'm trying to help you! That monster can't catch us in the throne room! I always hide there and he never caught me once when I was there!" he explains pretty fast. His tone was shivering and now that I took a good look at him, his white fur was tainted, his shirt was waste and dirty, some parts of his body were injured with dried of blood. He was in a complete devastated state. I trusted him.

I nodded "Okay," I said. Then both of us went back to our run.

Passing all the way in Snowdin, the city that was so bright with the tree colors and the lights of each home that resides here, was too gloomy and dark. It was as if they abandoned the city and there was not a single life form here. Grillby's sign of restaurant was not at its place, the tree was standing still but it was out of life with no decoration surrounds it. Dead just like the city itself.

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now