A whole new SOUL

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Sans POV:


I was out of breath, even for a lazy skeleton like me.

I'm the one who is known to be the laziest skeleton by everyone I know. Put all my energy and power in this long battle that took me a while to end.

Throwing bones here and there, to the murderer before me. Putting an end, to the psycho who only knows killing for pleasure.

At last, I've put them in a corner!

They can't run.

"GET DUNKED ON!" I shout.

A cry of death, a splattered blood tainted my bones, the floors and the walls.

Even with this amount of blood, I wanted to make sure that the deed is done, the killer is dead and justice is delivered.

Cautiously, I took heavy steps towards the half-dead body before me.

And how frightening the view was......

"F-Frisk???!!!!!" I gasped in disbelief to what I just did.

This can't be!

"S-Sans....why..." Frisk breathed her last breath, as she coughed blood before her SOUL escapes from her body and shatters to pieces right in front of me.

"FRISK! No...please no..." I held her body but it was too late.


"Sans!!! What's wrong!!"

Two hands were holding me tight as I breath rapidly confused about what just happened.

"SANS...BROTHER, IT'S ALRIGHT NOW.... IT'S ALRIGHT" my bro pulled me into a tight hug and brushed my back.

"IT WAS A BAD DREAM... YOU ARE ALRIGHT," he comforts me.

"Sans? What's wrong?" her voice made me flinch away from my brother's hands and look at her with tears falling down. I moved away from Papayrus and unconsciously jogged towards Frisk "Kiddo are you alright???"

Frisk and Paps were confused by what I said.

"I'm fine but I should ask this to you... you look terrified," she was too concerned too caring. But of course,... it was just a bad dream. That horrible dream and what I did there made me lose the track of reality.

"No I'm fine... I feel fine now" I scoffed. Realizing the whole thing, I don't know what to say.


"that's a good idea, how about we stay here until you feel good?" Frisk agrees and both her and Papayrus made plans together ignoring me.

I chuckle, with a blue faint taint on my cheekbones that I cannot hide, I can't say how much lucky I am to have such an awesome brother and a kind caring person who I can't be more than a best friend with her.

"Thank you guys... that means a lot to me,"

Third person POV:-


As they stood by his side on the bed, playing cards, and talking randomly. Sans fell to sleep. Papayrus and Frisk tiptoed out of his room and departed to their beds.

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