Calling for help

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????? POV:-

I was panting hard, coughing nonstop.. Spitting blood to the cold floor.

"H-Help!!! Someone please help me!!" I yelled as hard as my lungs can pass the limit.

(( You called for help )) a dark tone spoke

My body shivered madly to that voice, "D-Dad!! mom!! Please help" I-I don't want to be here with him even for second!!, the fate that was waiting for me with him would be nothing but a fearful darkness.

(( But no body came )) a sound of steps getting closer slowly.

A dozen needles danced their way across my forehead, looking left and right for a way to exist this hell, but my heart started pounding at a increasingly rapid pace and the stress that took over my head, left me helpless and lost.

"C-CHARA PLEASE HELP ME" I cried for his help, for he was like the eldest brother for me that I ever wished for.

The voice chuckled ((... You call for help ))

That voice never fails to send the chillness to my spineless root.

"P-please...." I whispered hopelessly.. Knowing this painful fact.

(( Still no body came )) he looks down to me, hanging my head up as much as I want to avoid looking at him, but fear engulfed me for a moment, my heart almost stopped beating.

(( Knock knock )) he grins with a bloody eyes that keep dripping black smug liquid.
I cleared my throat "W-who's there?" My lips kept trembling with a flooded eyes.
My nightmares have yet to start.

(( Your new best friend ))

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