Toriel Diary #1

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Days ago I have found a fallen child on the ground close to my place, I stopped checking the Ruins for a long time but I kept hearing the monsters talking about finding a human walking around and playing with them. I made my mind and went to check in fear of well... something  wrong might happen to the human and .. Maybe the monsters. Even though I really had such doubt about it. This child is so sweet and a bit timid. That Young one, when I Looked at her... She reminded me of the human that fell here very long ago my adopted son, oh I so miss my family... She had the same feeling of hope in her eyes which actually gave me faith of what I once believed in..
I'm sure she saw my family frame in her new room , I didn't get the chance to remove it before her arrival.. It's hard to expect a human to fall after so many years now. However, she's rather kind trying to accompany me the whole time, hehe we did a lot of things together, she helped me cook and tried to learn my favorite recipe butterscotch cinnamon pie .. Poor child burnt the pie few times but she made it well eventually!. Also I found out she's pretty humerus with her funny jokes! Not sure from where she gets those puns.. Oh and We even read most of the books I saved in this RUINS, sometimes she asks me about how this place works and if there are other areas... Well, Once I change the topic she stop mentioning it again. I can say she's really interesting one, different from the others I met before.. I provide them shelter until they ask a way out, I lead them the exit without force.. Im not sure if I would do the same to my dear Frisk..
I smell something burning? She must be cooking something! I'll end this entry here.


A/N:- hello! I just wanna say sorry about the prev chapter there was som kind of error and texts got mixed but I fixed it Dx! Thank you

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