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Vision of a place.. Seems nostalgic
Looking around.. "Where am I..?" She wondered .. Taking few steps out of the plain room .. She hardly recall.. Opening up the door to outside , field of trees and variety of plants and flowers.. She progressed her way.. Looked up to see the bright sun.
"Pretty" she smiled and started to run around playfully until she reached to a meadow area and decided to lay down and rest.
"Chara... Mount Ebott.. Was I dreaming?"
She thought for a moment .. "He was too real to be a dream.."
Closing her eyes, a tear dropped to her cheeks
"Ribbet Ribbet!"
Her vision blurred and became black, she woke up facing froggit before her
"Oh... I was dreaming" she claimed and stood up leaning towards Froggit who seemed ready to fight. With carefree attitude of Frisk, she missed his attempt of attack by jumping around her.
"Mr Frog you look so cute!" She said Joyfully
"Rib...bet?" ( Froggit seemed confused but he was flattered anyway) losing his interest to fight , he went away. " Oh he left already"
"Pffft" a voice behind her started laughing hard, she turned around to find Chara laughing uncontrollably. "Complimenting Froggit, seriously what were you thinking?" Heading towards her. "Chara!" She looked relieved after seeing him back. "What? I told you I wont take long"
Frisk: " I know.. I just slept and thought all these were just a dream.. Im glad"
Chara was surprised.. Remained silence looking at her he handed something over "Whatever.. Take this before it melts" , Frisk took it to find out few candies and chocolate.
Chara " That should do for now"
Frisk gave Chara big warm smile "Thank you Chara"  he seemed stunned for a second "yeah sure" and laid down.
"What about you? Let's split it up" She said, "I had my share before I come, thanks for the offer" he replied.
Frisk: "Oh.. Okay"
Then Frisk started eating her share..
Chara said " weren't you afraid of monsters?"
Frisk: "Yes.. Why you ask?"
Chara looked at her "You were complementing one..."
Frisk paused for a moment "huh?... The frog?! No way he looked so sweet"
"Really.. What do you think monsters look like" he asked
"Hmm .. Horns .. Wings .. Claws and big spiky tail! Yes like that" she answered actively
Chara snickered "Not sure what's inside your little head"
"Hey!" , "just kidding with you.. Half of it true somehow" he looked the other side
"Are they.. Really bad..?" Frisk hesitated
Chara stayed quite for a while
"No... They just have doubts.. You can't blame them" with a serious note of his voice.
Frisk wanted to say something but was interrupted by Chara "Just rest for now... You will know everything later"
Frisk laid next to Chara but not too close... A lot things she needs to know .. A lot questions yet to be answered .. But in the other side she didn't care for the moment all she cared for now is the fact that she fell to Mount Ebott and Chara is real.

TheirTale ~ ( Frisk X Chara )Where stories live. Discover now