Puzzles.. Puzzles everywhere

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-Acho!- Frisk sneezed as she was walking with Sans
"You okay Kid?" Sans turned his skull face to her she nodded
"Well kiddo, I gotta meet up with my bro, see ya ahead?" Frisk thumbs up with a smile and he went ahead. Frisk blow a steam to her hands and closing her hands and shiver  for warmth and went ahead.
She found an ice skate field and spotted something femmelier.
"It's that shining object!" She yelled it out weekly and reached it out to touch it.
(( The sound of your footsteps hitting the snow puffs fills you with determination ))
"It would be nice if it provided heat somehow" Frisk mumbled while putting a rocky expression.
She heard sans voice and tried to catch up.
"Quick! Behind this convenient shape looking lamp!" He surprises her
Frisk was lost and went behind it confused. Then she just realized what a weird looking lamp she held her giggles when she heard him talk to someone "Sup bro?"
"YOU KNOW WHAT 'SUP', BROTHER!" Another tall skeleton replied .. It was more like a yelling than an answer. Why so loud?!
The tall skeleton kept shooting Sans a lot of words to his bro being lazy Frisk was semi dozing while listening "ACHO" she tried to resist her sneeze! Not effective
The lamp fell down and the two brothers looked at Frisk who looked back at them as well.
The tall skeleton looked at his bro but his bro averted his eyes , then looked back then looked at him and so on repeatedly it was dazing.
He leaned to his bro "IS THAT A HUMAN?!"
Sans looked past Frisk and gave an uhhh sound "bro I think it's a rock"
Frisk spaced out and looked  next to her and at the tall skeleton being convinced
She laughed it off
"SANS CAN ROCKS LAUGH?!" He put his glove hand under his chin and stared
"Nope, hey what's that next to the rock?" He smirked
He then whispered "is.... AHH"
He yelled with so many words that was hard to catch up and declared to catch Frisk .. With puzzles. And she accepted the challenge!
During her way she would meet them with a different puzzle each time and sometimes encounter other new monsters and end up befriending them.
And when there is a confusing puzzle she'd ask Papayrus who would actually in return help her out .. "AGH I FELL FOR THE HUMAN TRAP SANS!"
Playing with so many dogs around here and there to the point she actually smell like one.
Encountering the royal guard Dogamy and Dogaressa, Frisk avoided a grave battle due to her smell of dogs. She ended up being pet by them and she blushed and acted timid, she won their love.
Sans on the other hand been looking after her and her actions, everything supposed to be good but he still feel uneasy somehow. She then reached to the last puzzle bridge and encounter them both again. Frisk was breathing hard and sweating, she can't endure it anymore. "IS THAT ANOTHER HUMAN?! WOWI! UNDYNE WILL BE PROUD OF ME!"
Two humans..? Frisk wanted to look back but she felt so dizzy she only felt someone's warm hands engulfed her, before she fell down and fainted.

Chara's POV:-
I finally cached up to her, she's so cold, I carried her princess  like and lent my forehead to hers , she's steaming "Seriously Sans? She's freezing to death" Papayrus and Sans ran over, Sans just realized that too late. She was holding her self still for them and for his bro to enjoy.
"SECOND HUMAN! QUICK BRING HER TO OUR HOME!" Papayrus panicked. Sans removed his jacket and put it on Frisk. "Let's go" I followed them to their house. Sans put more wood into the fireplace, I put Frisk down on the living room couch, Papayrus brought more covers and put it on Frisk, "bring me towel and tub of water please" Sans went to bring them and I soaked the towel in the cool water and put it on her forehead. Her breathing was week.. She needs medicine as soon as possible "Do you think you can fetch a medicine from the Doc for Frisk? She won't feel better anytime soon" I explained waiting for his reaction, he didn't reply , he took the jacket and left. He still doesn't trust me huh I sighed. I kept my eyes on Frisk for a while and changed the towel from time to time Papayrus was standing and checking on Frisk "SECOND HUMAN WILL SHE BE ALRIGHT?!" He's loud but he was worried. I nodded "She only need a rest and a medicine for now .. You must be tough huh" I tried cheering him up a bit he smiled but I guess he wasn't proud for the moment. "l'LL LEAVE YOU BOTH TO REST" and left. We were alone again .. I brushed her hair behind her ears again and rubbed her cheek with my fingers.. Even though she's such a cry baby I don't want her to be like this.. Hurt.
I looked around the house .. It was the same as I remember. This green couch Frisk is laying on .. The same book shelfs .. Is that new books I think? And Sans socks.. "Really now..? Poor Papayrus" I muttered. As I sighed a shadow behind my back lurked to my right shoulder
(( Kill....Her...)) he ordered
I rest my hand on Frisk's cheek
"Ch....Chara" her eyes opened slowly flinching to take a good view. The shadow vanished to her awakening. I shushed her "Don't talk don't move.. Just rest"
"I'm glad you are fine" she smiled as she held my hand "Sorry I .. Didn't wait" she closed her eyes again "Never mind that" then I heard her snoozing.. Wow a light sleeper indeed. I rose my right eyebrow unbelievably. I leaned close to her face, I could feel her soft week breathing rubbing my face.. She smelled..nice..I wasn't sure what I was doing
-SLAM- Sans kicked the door violently. I went back to my position.. Irritated but holding myself back. "Sans.. What the heck?" I smirked as I lowered my voice. He handed the medicine "Here punk, the medicine she needs" I took it from him and asked Frisk gently to open her mouth, I put it inside her mouth and made her drink a water. She fell sleep again afterwards. "Now while she rest come let's finish THAT talk"
It's never good when he put it that way. I shrugged

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