The royal scientist

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Somewhere else.. Far beyond Snowdin city, a reptile monster wearing a lab coat habits inside a huge lab full of electronic items and screens that displays different areas. A place for every nerd hopes to be.
The golden tainoi skin lizard with a glasses eating an instant cheap made noodles while looking around the screen. One of the screens displayed a human with blue and pink stripped clothes passing by.
-sspffffft- the watcher splashed the noodles on the screen

"What?! Is that who I think it is?!" Her eyes popped out staring at the screen "Oh boy oh boy the seventh human finally at last!!" She gave off an evil fake laugh " haha.. I bet my love gonna be happy with this fresh news" She froze for a moment for her brilliant idea "That's.." She clapped her cheeks and turned red " that's actually the best excuse to meet her! Must call her this instant!" She grabbed her phone that was above her desk and dialed the first number she saved
Trrrn... Trrrn -click-

"H-hello..?" A hesitant voice from the other side of the phone
"Um..ah H-hello it's the royal scientists Alphys, I demand you to be here n-now!"
~An awkward silence pass ~
"Okay" the phone clicked
"Oh for the glory of Asgore D-demand?!! Seriously Alphys" she held her head unbelievably
And walked in circles regretting her weird decision " Easy, I'll say I was joking! Just a stupid joke!" As she was about to call again, there was a door knocking and footsteps, she glubed.. That was freaking fast! A tall  woman wearing black shirt with a red wavy hair, a black patch covering her left eye and red and blue fins on the sides of her head. She stood infront of her holding her spear .. Watching her like this made her feel feverish.. Her tummy started to flip flop Heartbeats was so loud enough to set Alphys in a panic situation   "I-I'm here" The royal army said
"Uhm- uh" she kept shivering and anxious filled her until she gained her courage and looked at her "I spotted a human being leaving the RUINS" she asserted
The royal guard's eyes widened and frowned she was astonished
"I just Wanted to inform you" Alphys changed her voice to serious fake tone trying to act cool and all, The royal woman guard nodded to her gratefully "This is big... Thank you for letting me know! I-I shall capture this human and won't let your work go in vain" she decided.
Alphys laughed while her eyes sticked to her crush guard boobs .. "Haha... Not at all" she whispered stop staring at awkward places Alphys.

Chara's POV
The gate seal is finally off.. I can't feel Frisk's presence around.. She probably left.
I pushed the gate with my left hand till it opened wide.. I took few steps smelling the cold air to my lungs
(( you are being watched Chara)) a deep dark voice confirmed
I looked at the left side where lays a surveillance camera recorder. I was holding the knife I picked while ago from the ruins and throwed it straight towards the camera lens (( BALLZ EYE )) the voice shouted , the camera got damaged enough for its data to be erased.
I sighed pulled my knife back "And I told her to wait"

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