New Year Wishes

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New year is like a new chapter for each one lives that bestows you with new 365 chances.

Some people would say what is coming might be better than what is gone, hence, you have a long whole chapter to prove how devoted you are towards what you want to achieve.

New friends, new beginnings, new feels and fresh start.

Like the spring, when new life that blooms in every corner.

Like the cold breeze in summer, that welcomes the arrival of winter.

For Chara, who was blessed on having a new start, a new peaceful opportunity to prove how good he can be, and all that thanks for a pure pacifist girl. The one he cares about, Frisk.
Together they laid next to each other, giving their backs to the cold snow puffs as they gaze to the fallen snowflakes above them. Waiting, silently for the sky to be glittered with a colorful noise yet beautiful to see. No words needed to utter, while holding hands together, grateful and happy for these simple moments only them can share together.

For Flowey, who was watching them in distance. Forced to stay in disguise for his and his brother sake. Hatred and envious were mixed within him as he remembers the same scene he had before with his brother. However, he was still grateful that he could be in his side even if it is not for long.

For Toriel, who was pleased to have another child as a part of her small family. And even more joyful that the death of her previous adopted son had came to life erasing her sorrow and sadness. All the long years she was in pain, were replaced with a loving bath, a small cozy family. Toriel, wished from the bottom of her heart that one day, her longed loved one would consider his mistakes and come back to his senses.

For Sans and Papayrus, who're bond never wavered. For those two skeletons who made Snowdin a lovely place for the others, never they did expect that their thoughts and opinions would be change by an act of merciful child. For the tall skeleton, who stopped chasing his dream for a sake of a new for life friend that he met. As for his brother, who's fear was wiped as everyone now able to remember the one who was like a father to him.

For Undyne and Alphys, for a mutual feelings that been shared together. A new journey awaits them filled with new experiences and more things they need to face.

For Mettatton, who's glamouring everyday. She made sure that everyone in the resort would have a fantastic night with new offers, merchandise, songs and more!
Tonight for the first time, she shone brightly than ever before.

For Genzo who finally was opened to others, the gaze of his eyes are not cold anymore but instead, were more preserved and gentle.

For Gaster who never felt more alive, leaving the chained space that kept him away from his home and family. Back but not quite, he was satisfied to see his family doing fine and well. Seeing his precious son doing his best to retrieve him back, fills him with happiness.

For the King Asgore, who's pain, suffer and responsibility are all known around his people. A person who all can't help but to love, respect and willing to do everything to protect. This day, all the different conflicts were put at a side, pouring a tea for three cups. Two missing part of him that he wish to get back. He smiles regardless.

And for Frisk, who was the happiest of them all. With past that no one knew, she left it behind, looking forward to the beautiful surroundings and friends that keep increasing everyday. All the fights and struggling that she faced were worth this moment of peace. She can be at ease, living like this with the one she fonds.

And for someone who will change the lives of them all.

In a few moment, the arrow of the clock has ticked to the sound of the new year.

"I wish we could stay like this forever" Chara held Frisk as he interlocks his fingers to hers slowly to warm her up from the cold. Eyes gazing at each other with a smile.

"We will be" his girl blushed and replied "I wish we all live happily forever after like the stories!" Frisk whispered.


"I WISH EVERYONE WILL FINALLY RECOGNIZE MY GREATNESS" Papayrus yelled out his wish standing above their house roof. A chuckle sound laughed at his brother "That's unnecessary bro, everyone already know how great you are." Sans crossed his arms behind his head.


"Welp, I give my wish for you then."

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Papayrus objected to his brother's offer.

"Yes I can, I wish my wish goes to my brother." Sans snaps his finger as if he was casting a spell, but nothing happened. Papayrus responded with a doubtful eyes.

"See? It worked! Now you can wish again."

Papayrus looked at him puzzled before he beams up "WELL... I WISH WE REMAIN BROTHERS FOREVER!"

Sans turns his face to look wt his brother who surprised him with his wish. He couldn't help but to smile brightly while letting out another chuckle "Paps, we will always be brothers forever" he tried to make a point that there is no power in this world that would oppose this fact.


and so they go on, joking around and chattering all night. But deep inside Sans, he whispered within him with no one to hear.

"I wish she would see me the way I do to her..."


A mother who waits patiently to her children to be back on their way to her. Hesitant she was to do something she never thought she could ever do for the first time, Toriel laid her feet on the snowy ground of Snowdin. A chilly wind made her whole body shiver. She looks carefully  at the scene above her. Proud, happy and glad she is that she finally had the courage to step out from her home even for this moment.

"I wish.. one day, I can cross all the distance to the throne and get you back to my side."


A King, who's thinking of her and her alone. Stepped away from his throne as it became a bit noisy and lively, he wanted to chant his wish in a quite place in a hope for it to reach the farthest home where he once belonged.

"I wish we would be together again.. with you by my side, to a new future for our lost Kingdom" the King chinned up as he vows to his words. Knowingly that sooner or later he will make an act.


"I wish I am worthy of a leader for the royal guard, with a new sense of justice that resides me... I hope I am doing the right thing." Undyne clenched her armor as she puts it in a side.

"I wish there was a different way to free the monsters... no. There is always a way. We just lack the knowledge for it" said Genzo, while surfing around his books.

"I-I wish I can be more honest.. a-and stop being scared.." said Alphys.

A wish after a wish after another. Not for their own sakes but for the others. Everyone whispered their own wishes under the glitters of the night.

 Everyone whispered their own wishes under the glitters of the night

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