~ Part Times ~

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"This is the part times board" Sans pointed to Frisk to a wooden adversary board with so many papers and advertisements pinned to it. Frisk gasped "Thats a lot of work!"
"Are you up to them?" Sans shots his eyes at Frisk "anytime any day!" She said enthusiastically. Chara was heading towards them with his hoodie on,he then joined them. Frisk looked at his new appearance "Y-you look good!", he nodded without looking at her.
"Welp, let's head to Grillby's" Sans announced

After a while the trio reached Grillby's.
Sans was the first to enter followed by Frisk then Chara "Hey grillbs" Sans calls. Frisk was checking the place, her jaw dropped and her eyebrows rose "wow" she exclaimed.
The place was warm and you can hear the joy and the laughter of the customers.. The place smells with different kind of dishes, the light wasn't too bright neither too dark.. But perfect enough for the customers to chill and eat. Sans headed to his usual round chair facing a man with a flame head and glasses, who was wiping a wine glass behind his counter. "Grillby, this is Frisk I talked to you about, today she will assist you" Grillby looked over Frisk "ah..nice to meet you... Boss?" She hesitates, Sans chuckled while Chara rolled his eyes unamused and took his place to the other side of the table on the corner, a good spot to have a good view for the whole place.  Frisk was waiting Grillby's response "Waaait fooooor it" Sans noticed as he watches "........................ Nice to meet you too" he finally answers, and points to the inner room. Frisk follows

"Good old days.... Right punk?" Sans looked at Chara, he was still mute "You okay?"
Chara seemed to be aware now he nodded "It will be a very long day" he sighed.
"Learn how to chill dude... Order something maybe a ketchup?" He smirked
"Noooo thank you" his eyes darted to Sans
Grillby walks back to his counter while adjusting his glasses, "Hey Grillbs, the usual please"
He nodded and pass him a bottle of ketchup "Just how do you drink that normally" Chara was a bit disgusted "It tastes good .. Why don't you KETCHup with me and find out" Sans teased
Chara groans. "Umm" a voice took their attention they turned their head to see Frisk on a waiter suit, it was black and white, it came with a black ribbon dotted with white spots, it reached her knees. It looked more like a maid cosplay than a waiter.

Chara widened his eyes to her then looked down at his table

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Chara widened his eyes to her then looked down at his table. Sans turned blue "Didn't know Fuku's cloth suited ya Frisk"
"Umm.. Who's Fuku?" Frisk tucks her hair behind her ears as she checked at Chara to see him not looking at her.. For some reason that upset her. "Grillbs daughter" he stated. "Oh I hope I can meet her sometimes!" Frisk looked at Grillby who lowered his head a bit while cleaning. "Grillby isn't really that talkative.. Put that in your mind", Sans gulped few sips  from his ketchup.. Frisk face was weird of by what he's drinking.
"Oh.. Sorry! Back to work" Frisk went to take the orders from the customers who apparently most of them were Royal guards and dogs.. So many dogs. Chara was keeping his eye around the place just in case if things went wrong.. He assumes.
Frisk was doing great as her first part time, she looked confident and straightforward, and always were bright with the customers, at the beginning she was close to mess up and break the dishes but she managed it carefully. "Here is your dish mr doggo!" Frisk passes the dish in front of him "WH-WHERE DID SHE GO?!" Doggo yells looking right and left, Frisk was puzzled, Chara tried to pull something from his pocket "Oh Doggo has an issue with his vision.. He can't sense you unless you keep moving" Sans explained "Oh it's ok! I'm here" she waved at him to to help him out "Thanks!" He smiles and dig in his food, Frisk went to arrange the glasses shelf "It wasn't on PAWpose" she giggles and Sans burst to laughter Grillby's stopped wiping his glasses marveled by her pun , "Damn sans.. You infected her with your stupid jokes" Chara mumbled then looked up at Frisk next to him "What?" He twisted his eyebrow "Um don't you want to eat or drink something?" Frisk tilted her head concerned "I don't think anything in the menu will interest me" said confidently. Frisk forehead puckered then she smiled and went to the kitchen for a while then came out with a black mug on her plate she passed it to Chara. He looked at her then at the glass.. He could tell what was it as his face flushed , Frisk glanced at him crossing her arms "And now?" She smirks warmly she knows his weakness "uh....fine" he holds his mug blow a soft air into it and drink it "I figured you would like hot chocolate!" She states with a victory tone.
~ until the shift was over~
Grilbby gave her sallery "......................great job" he says gratefully
"Yeah you really adapt well there kid" Sans shrugged with his hand inside his pockets
"Th-Thank you!" Frisk glimpse at Chara who in return stared at her "You did good" he sighs, she smiles brightly to his answer and nodded happily.

Part time #2

So the next day they took a request from the Inn keeper to be the resepction for one day since the recent receptionist wants to look after her sick sister,
"Welcome!" Frisk announce joyfully to the customers, hands them the keys and leads them to their rooms. "Everything is going smoothly!" She was proud of her self.. Until the night. Frisk returns home panting "What happened? Chara looked at her from the couch"
"Remind me to never even think about booking from the inn" she smiled but her eyes was twitching. I think it wasn't a good night for Frisk this time.

Part time #3
"HAHaHaHAAAH oh my God" Chara busted to laughter while Sans tried to hold his own laugh inside his bones. "I-I....." Frisk face was burning red from embarrassment, "walking her brother?! Seriously" Chara says as he contenues to laugh, for Frisk she was happy to see Chara laugh like this for the first time but felt stupid for such a reason.
"I figured it was like being a babysitter and I liked the idea of looking after children"
Frisk wrapped her hands around her arms since they are outside taking a walk with a small tiny bunny that been tied by a rope she's holding "But this..." She looked at the cute bunny. Sans snickered "Oh I don't even know where to start" he winked as he's about to start something unnecessary, Chara figured it out fast "Don't you dare"
"Oh I HARE alright" Sans smile widened as he carries on "Let's HOP nothing goes wrong" Frisk laughed, Sans felt joy and encouraged

"What did the rabbits do after their wedding?"
"They went to their BUNNYmoon"

"Why did the bunny buildup a new house?"
"She was fed up with the HOLE thing!"

"Oh oh I got one" Frisk raise her hand "Do you know why rabbits jump?!"
"Please no" Chara grumbled
"Because they are HOBBY!"
Sans and Frisk laughed but Chara was smiling from the corner of his mouth "You liked this one right!" Frisk leans to see his expression "you are laughing!" She said "And I'm hating it" he replies.
"Um.. Is it only me or the bunny didn't move an inch?"
"It's a bunny.. You can't walk a bunny" Chara faced palm


A/N:- Greetings! I want to declare something important I had decided for a while now.. I was hesitant but this is important for the story to go on.
There will be 2 or 3 OC in this story I created that will play important rules with Toby Fox's characters. There was no other way >_< however, I hope you'll like it!
Peace x3

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