New Missions

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Back at the Waterfall, where the monsters been relaxing and chilling to the sound of waterfalls and the glowing of the echo flowers.
But the tranquility of this place didn't last long.
"NGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" a heroine voice shouts in the middle of this peace
"So humiliating!! I can never accept this!!" Undyne the hero roars as she form her rage to her fist punching the wall with everything she got repeatedly.

"What did the wall ever did to you?" Genzo spoke who was just came back from scouting the area, laying his legs to the water pulling out an apple carp and started to munch it.

She points her spear to Genzo "DON'T GIVE ME THAT!" She yells "DON'T ACT SO CALM ABOUT IT!" She went back punching the wall. Genzo paused and looked up "me? Who said I'm calm?" Thinking about how the humans got away, how he ended up back to Snowdin and how other monsters allied with them made him squish the apple crap he was eating.
He leans his cheek to his palm hand sighing "Well.. what happened with you?" He asks.
She gives the wall another punch before she joins him, she wanted to speak but the thought alone was embarrassing for her "I.. fainted during my chase.. at Hotland" she crosses her hand staring to her reflection through the water "So?" He replies "I wouldn't stand the heat with these armors on anyway" he tried to cheer her up.
"She.. spared me some water" she Adds. Genzo looks at her with a poker faced expression... before he bursts to laugh, he laughs and laughs while pointing at her "You bastard!! How dare you you damn reptile" her face twisted watching him laughing mockingly at her "Watch it fishy, just because you are the boss don't get all cocky!" He clinches his fist, growling at her.
"Fine! Let's settle this with pure strength!" She declares a challenge!
"Challenge accepted!" He stood up facing her fully prepared.. both of them were tensed and raged from their failed mission and all they needed is something to relief their stress.
Undyne looks around and walked towards a huge boulder and suplexes it, she then looks back to find Genzo did the same "child's play" he grins.
"NGAAH!" She throws it to the water and points at him "Arm wrestling!"
"Bring it on!!" He places his elbow to the ground and she followed. Both of them clenched each others fists and as they groan louder and louder... if there was a possibility of a passing monster they would flee right away without a second thought. Both of them had the same power strength. They were mumbling out loud at each other.

"HOW DARE SHE" Undyne said

"ITS HIS FAULT" he clenched his jaw

"SOFT WEAKLING HUMAN" she complains

"I WOULD WIPE THEM OUT" he threats

Each of them kept throwing their angers around while they lost the ability to hear what's around them, only Undyne suddenly heard her phone ringing, she answers with her other hand while they were still arm wrestling. She answers and shouts
"DONT YOU DARE TALK TO ME UNLESS YOU TRY FIGHT THE HUMANS AND CAPTURE THEM YOU STUPID BONE" then clicks end. It was Papayrus who supposed to train him today at their usual routine... but she's not ready yet for that.
Genzo who knew the only one who would call her by now is none other then that skeleton...
"GAAAAAAH" he shouts and tackles Undyne as she pushes him back. They went on for a while till they heard a recognizable voice "Heya there, stop messing around you are creeping my customers"
They both turned to see...
"Oldman"'Genzo says
"Gramps, we are in a middle of a challenge that's all" she brushes her hair hoping to brush away those annoying thoughts.
"Well? Whats with these long faces for? Tell me everything" he joins them.

After a long explaining, Gerson laughs at how silly they were "Ahahaha! What a losers" he held his stomach as he laughs.

After a long explaining, Gerson laughs at how silly they were "Ahahaha! What a losers" he held his stomach as he laughs

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Genzo exhales... he was annoyed by something.. something he couldn't understand.. Gerson his grandfather noticed the spark on his grandson's eyes and said "That's not everything.. isn't it?"
Genzo turns his gaze to him.. then back to the water "It's just.. kinda hard to explain"
Undyne patted his shoulder "What is it Gen?" His tone made her worried for a moment.
"The humans.. that girl...  even though I don't know her, I can't help but to feel respect towards her.. as if she did something heroic" he tried to explain
"That.. doesn't make any sense" Undyne replies. Gerson was listening without a comment "but on the other hand.. that boy.. I can't help but to feel uneasy with him" He adds.
Undyne crosses her arms "He's.. skillful at fighting I suppose" she thinks deeper "and.. for some reason he seems so familiar..." she messes her hair with frowned face.
Till Gerson japed her head "Oww!" Then japed Genzo "HEY!"
He chuckles at them both "You guys sure went coco" he gestures them for being crazy raising their temper even more. "Anyway" his face changed to serious and forward "Maybe she's the one.. the prophecy the one who—"
"Hold it right there old man.. you know it's a bad omen saying that name and talking about that" Genzo interrupts, While Undyne was puzzled following what they were talking about.
"It was never a bad omen.. people lost their hops thats all" he replies to him, then asks Undyne "Say missy.. that expression on your face.. mention me one thing you know about human history"

Undyne jumps excitedly "huge swards! More huger swords and huge robots and..etc"
Gerson and Genzo stared at her "She's so hopeless when it comes to theoretical fields"
Genzo nodded sadly with agreement.
"New mission" he raise his voice, the two stands firmly and looks at him "I thought you retired old man.." Gen mumbles
"What? I don't remember bwahaha.. that's a secret mission" he lay his back to the rocky wall "Undyne, more training I saw your legs shake when you carried that boulder" just before he finishes his line, Undyne was pushing up already... full of spirit as always!
"As for you.." Gerson switched back to his grandson "Do more researches humans and monsters history" he orders, going back to his place.. Genzo stops him  "W-wait there a second! I already know th-"
"No you don't.. you are missing something and you need to find it" he steps closer to him, patting his shoulder "When you find it, that lays your real mission my boy" he says then went past him.
"100....101... Gramps! 102 what about the humans? 104" she asks as she pushes up, she wouldn't dare to stop or slack off not after her so called humiliation... and not in front of these two.
"Ohh yes.. those kids not planning on leaving the underground as you see" he states, which he had a point, they never intended to move from Snowdin until they got chased out by force "so let it be! There has been a case before with the other humans roaming around underground freely before getting captured" he reminds them.
"I'm out" Genzo informs and take his leave instantly, Undyne watched him till he vanished from sight. "You shouldn't have mentioned that Gramps" she lowers her tone.
Gerson sighs "That boy has changed.. ever since that—" he looks back again

"Never mind"

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